Open the Borders: The Case for Free-Market Immigration, And Against It

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10 years ago

I have never heard such trash…..
these people are liars threw omission -- have sold out…

Francis W. Porretto
10 years ago

I was for open borders for a long time. Then I thought about the matter seriously.

We cannot have open borders at any time in the foreseeable future — and probably never.

10 years ago

Open borders? Well there are all those little shops that sell over the counter stuff we can’t just buy here, switchblades, fireworks and drugs that here require a prescription.So that said what will happen if our open borders have REGULATORS telling the Mexican shop owners what they can and can’t sell? Mexicans will never put up with that crap. What about the cartels?Think they have to bribe people now? Wait till the feds grab hold of their share…The more I think about it ,the more I doubt that Mexicans would really want open borders. The system we have now works just fine ….If your a Mexican.