Operation Sand Man Part III

The following excerpts are from an article cited on Western Rifle Shooters Association. Please read the entire article.

Bullet Points:

I think there is a strong possibility, say 50-75% chance, that Operation Sand Man will go live on Thursday, April 6, 2023, late at night (early the next morning for most other countries), +/- 12 hours. I came up with this date based on the fact that the USA will be going into a national holiday weekend, and be shut down for 3 days for Easter observance. As a sneak-attack, it would prevent the US government from formulating a rapid response to the situation, for at least four calendar days, by which time it would be a “done deal.”


“When that happens- and it will- the price of imported goods will go through the roof almost overnight, as every country will attempt to get rid of their dollars while they still can, and use some other currency for international trade.  

The dollar will be dumped as the world’s reserve currency, in a cascade as other countries holding dollars run for the exits.  When this happens, the price of products that are imported will go up by 4-5 times, almost overnight (my best guess).   This is the logical result of the Cloward-Piven strategy writ large. 


And do you see why Biden signed an executive order to facilitate digital currencies?  If your money is digital, it can be confiscated or they can at least stop you from transacting any more (cryptos).


Russia has been stockpiling food, and last week Putin announced to his people on Russian TV that the country had five years of food stockpiled, so they need nothing from the USA- or frankly, anyone else.  China has stockpiled 18 months of wheat to feed their people, but their agents are busily moving around America buying any stored wheat they can get their hands on- by the trainload, at whatever price they have to pay- and sending it on cargo ships back to China.

The results here will be food prices going steadily up in the USA for the foreseeable future.  I’m seeing 15-20% increases in the grocery stores, on a month-to-month basis, right now, and those increases will get much steeper.  With no potash and already exorbitant prices for natural gas- both absolutely required to produce fertilizer for high crop yields- we’re going into a period of not just “food shortages,” like Brandon said, we’re going to be facing our own version of the Holodomor famine of 1933.


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    1 year ago

    Mike Adams (if that’s his real name) has been making videos about this lately, so my guess is nothing will come of it. At any rate, warnings about things like this have been blaring for several years now, so if someone is still susceptible to such developments, that’s kinda their bad, right? I do love the part where some toolbag bank CEO was whining about how folks with S.M.A.R.T phones caused a bank to fail. My guess is pretty quick a t-post pounder, a shovel and a hoe are going to be a ton more useful than a S.M.A.R.T. phone. We’ll see what happens.

    1 year ago

    “Just because the Shiat hasn’t hit you in the face, doesn’t mean it hasn’t hit the fan” I read here years ago. Time & Predictions are funny varibles and idiots will argue it hasn’t happened Yet, when even a blind Man can feel the water rising above his knees,and waist …..
    Most sheeples only wtfu when the water is around their chins. A Historical FACT not Fear Porn.
    This website has been a lifeline into some unpleasant realities, but also sanity. Thank you.

    1 year ago

    While Mike Adams tends to be an alarmist a few thoughts.

    A broken clock is right twice a day.

    Second the facts brought forward here are easily researched (you DO Research, yes?) and indeed, the odds of an American Holodomor is highly REALISTIC.

    In our stores today we are eating the last of last year’s food. You could test this easily enough, just go buy a few items. Go home and look up the food date codes. The storms, water shortages, droughts and general mismanagement of farm resources by California a MAJOR producer of vegetables and such as well as the radically reduced beef herds/chicken/pork production will soon be showing up on the prices and supplies in your grocery store.

    How could that become a Holodomor? In the Soviet Holodomor the Soviets created it in the Breadbasket of the Soviet Union.

    A Man made deliberate starvation situation in the Breadbasket of a nation. Think about that a moment. You cannot shoot hunger.

    When NOT IF the Gimmie Dats EBT cards with “Extra Emergency funding” from CONgress (spelling intentional) cannot buy enough food or the luxury foods they prefer WHAT DO YOU EXPECT will happen.

    As I’ve driven 18 wheelers OTR before I can assure you that 90+% of all trucking runs through those Big Cities and that’s going to get “exciting” for truckers.

    Example: Reginald Oliver Denny (born 1953) is a former construction truck driver who was pulled from his truck and severely beaten during the 1992 Los Angeles riots. His attackers, a group of Black men who came to be known as the “L.A. Four”, targeted Denny because he was White.

    Today under the misrule of law the Black Men would be somehow able to sue Reginald for “Civil Rights” violations for looking ugly at them or something.

    So going back to Sandman stuff. Internationally speaking a nations money is worthless if that country is in the middle of a nationwide riot-Rebellon.

    We live in a fragile interlocked economic system. Just the loss of safe trucking, let alone loss of power grid as that ALSO runs though those riot prone Big Cities is going to be “interesting” as in Chinese Curse.

    Protect your family and trusted friends. They are the most important factors in your survival.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Michael

    Right on!

    mike fink
    mike fink
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Michael

    I couldn’t agree more. The trains run through urban hubs too, and there was a good foretaste of large scale looting of them in Los Angeles a year or so ago. Dindu behavior is so predictable that is can be counted upon like the rising of the sun each day. The widespread breakdown of civil order is a dead certainty. The power grid will almost certainly be widely impacted as well, by design or not.
    Given that, there will be no time for the GAE to roll out a CBDC and declare greenbacks worthless immediately. Things will probably run on the limited cash available for a while before there is no stuff to be had anyway. It may or may not be part of the plan, but it will probably be impossible to do anything about the cascading problems until the orgy of violence settles back down to a slow burn, and by then the lack of power, food, medicine, medical care, disease etc have taken a big bite out of the population. I’m thinking 2 or 3 months to get to that point.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  mike fink

    Going to be an UGLY DANGEROUS few month’s friend.

    Might be longer than that. Chaos runs on its own timeline.

    The chimpanzees who THINK they are in charge will soon find out the LIMITS of their Media Propaganda Power when EBT Gimmie Dats are running wild.

    Got trusted friends to back you up? You have to sleep sometime.

    mike fink
    mike fink
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Michael

    Yes, I’m betting on ugly too. I’m a loooong walk from any significant populations of them and there is little reason to draw them in my direction in the first wave of sorties out of the cities. There is a lot of woods and armed farmers for them to try their luck with before they get to my zip code.
    Most of the neighbors are pretty good. It is not really the case that wee are all on the same political page, but harsh realities have a way of fixing those things. The place is hardened by peacetime standards in a subtle way. It does not look prepped for trouble, and it can be brought up to Rhodesian Farm siege level in short order.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  mike fink

    short time “private range warden” in Rhodesia, back many, many years ago. once on property they are fair game, following the fecal matter coming into contact with the rotary oscillator. Pew first and don’t think, otherwise you WILL find yourself in that “farm” siege.

    Citizen Joe
    Citizen Joe
    1 year ago
    Reply to  kal

    Kal, were you at the Devuli Ranch by chance?

    Citizen Joe
    Citizen Joe
    1 year ago
    Reply to  kal

    I was security at African Granite Quarries in Mtoko for awhile. Then went on to bigger and better things.

    1 year ago

    Store prices going up but farm gate prices for everything but meat are going down-fuel going up,fertilizer is high,electricity going up-feeling the squeeze-this continues it’s gonna be interesting somebody in the middle is clearing A LOT

    1 year ago

    friend noted today in a post, the store brand gelatin mix that was $8.00 last week this week, is $10.00….$2.00 in one week……hmmmm!

    1 year ago
    Reply to  DRenegade

    What, we can’t just consume and not produce anything?

    Joe Blow
    Joe Blow
    1 year ago

    I get no benefit from them.as far as commission goes, but I’m a big fan of APMEX.COM
    They have a variety of products, have been giving the gold foil currency “Goldbacks” to the family’s younger members for birthday gifts for the last year.

    That being said, trade your cash deposits for gold and silver maple leafs and eagles. If you have a 401k, pay off your house.
    It is game over. Grok that quickly.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  DRenegade

    I’ve made multiple purchases over the last 5 years or so from:
    Great people to work with and, they have lower over spot prices than APMEX, plus free shipping and insurance on all orders.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  Joe Blow

    Solid advice Joe. Being debt free is critical.

    In my research about my family and the Great Depression (our “history” of it is mostly fairy tales) some common grim truths came out.

    The Bankers ALWAYS get their pound of flesh. The Tax man ALWAYS gets his taxes. Many families were sent “down the Road” as homeless when their homes-farms and businesses were taken by Bankers on the courthouse steps WITH the protection of the Sheriffs at hand.

    Not all the homeless survived, population census shows we lost a lot of folks to starvation, exposure and such.

    There is a good reason that murderers and thugs like Bonnie and Clyde were HEROS to the common folks. Not like Bonnie and Clyde gave squat to poor folks but they were STICKING IT TO THE MAN (Bankers).

    Smart families circled the wagons and decided what homes would be let go and what homes were to become extended family homes for more than 3 generations of people. That way only one or two homes had to be lost and TAXES could be paid on the rest.

    Those families had at least one Adult in their household that had a “Real Job” that PAID Cash like Postman, train operators and such to KEEP the Taxes PAID.

    Backyard gardens, chickens, even pigs were treasured and PROTECTED from sneak thieves.

    Everybody in the family from kids “playing” while fishing, gathering berries and doing chores for their neighbors’ extra eggs to Grandparents keeping an eye on the kids and WATCHING out for sneak thieves from stealing even the clothes drying on the clothes lines.

    About Gold and silver, you might want to research Roosevelts EO 6102 that forced Americans to turn in their gold.

    When Owning Gold Was Illegal in America: And Why It Could Be Again | HuffPost Latest News

    This article tells as Paul Harvy would say “The REST of the Story” from a liberal standpoint but still had serious points you and I need to learn.

    If you cannot pay your taxes and debts with gold as those who refused to turn in their family’s gold back then, what was its value?

    If the current regime also decides on “Excess Profits” TAXES on Gold Holders (or other such confiscations) who will take in trade your gold?

    2000 dollars plus for an ounce = some crazy amount of canned foods, dry rice and even seeds, fertilizer and tools.

    Gold does have uses inside a Rule of Law society, do you SEE a rule of law society right now?

    mike fink
    mike fink
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Michael

    Great post! Too much to respond to all of it with anything worthwhile, but I would like to respond to this;
    The Bankers ALWAYS get their pound of flesh. The Tax man ALWAYS gets his taxes. Many families were sent “down the Road” as homeless when their homes-farms and businesses were taken by Bankers on the courthouse steps WITH the protection of the Sheriffs at hand.”
    This is all very true, and you went on to point out that that piece of shit Roosevelt confiscated civilian gold in the Depression too. I think it has the potential to be different this time. For one thing, we have a low trust/high crime collapsing society as it is now. Modern Americans are as unlikely to respond to a new Depression like they did in the 30’s in the same way modern Americans would never be able to fight WW2 again. It is just not in the collective character. This is why we seem to agree that there will be a collapse of civil order this time. The societal realities rule out any other outcome. So while the 1930’s people obediently turned in their gold and were escorted off of their land by the taxman and the sheriff, I don’t see anyone in a large collapse turning in any guns, food, ammo, greenbacks, gold, or walking away from a paid off homestead because the town demands outdated property taxes and there is nothing to pay it with. That town government and local sheriff will be repurposed by the locals. Even putting that aside, we see widespread disregard for law and code enforcement in the low trust situation we live in now. People loot stores in flash mobs, squatters are living an vacant houses, homeless live anywhere they please and do anything they please, and illegal commerce in drugs, guns, and other contraband goes on unimpeded. A more severe collapse to the point of WROL is not going to make desperate people more compliant.

    1 year ago
    Reply to  mike fink

    In a sudden collapse your scenario is pretty likely.

    However, history points out that collapsing empires don’t truly “suddenly collapse” and thus my concerns of Tax man and such.

    Homeless or in prison is a poor survival choice in my opinion.

    Plenty of chaos time where the empire is staggering about, flailing wildly at presumed enemies of the state and such.

    Might be mere weeks (I hope and pray) more likely months of increasing violence from the Gov.com and Warlords “Sponsored” by the Gov.com (See Venezuelan street gangs for details, DENIABLE nasty folks).

    And a fair chance that as areas of Gov.com control shrink to Green and Amber zones (like the US installed Iraqi Government before they fled) that timeframe might be a year or two of chaos.

    Given our current regime is already doing political lawfare, imprisoning political prisoners and has released a proven Bioweapon upon its citizens, I expect more and worse from them.

    To the chimpanzees in charge a bit of Joe 6 packs suffering as they crash the banking credit system (AND BLAME someone else, maybe Russian Hackers or?) in order to install a Chinese Social Credit and Digital (NO CASH) Banking system seems almost a given.

    I’d love to be wrong, but history and the current regimes abuses make the above a little too easy to predict.

    1 year ago

    Another good article.
    Among other things I rebuild engines, as a hobby, I have broken down a few dozen and built a couple of dozen or so. The main problem I have seen is oil issues. It is easy to disregard oil changes as it makes no observable difference; however over time, with no oil changes, I guarantee the engine will fail!

    I have been watching this shxx show with the money ever since Nixon took us off the silver standard and helped start inflation, it has been covered up by the petro dollar and not apparent. Much like not changing your oil, eventually nations will stop taking your inflated dollars. There was no telling when, much like a neglected motor it will fail, but fail it will!

    History shows us what will happen and it won’t be good. I really don’t care if you don’t change your oil or you believe in the system and keep buying stocks,
    and voting. You can ignore reality, but not the effects of reality. We are in for hard times, hopefully it will make strong men!

    1 year ago

    I think this Canadian has a solid viewpoint.

    Come What May (thenewbittercenturion.blogspot.com)

    a follower, working on it.
    a follower, working on it.
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Michael

    ‘Passover’ begins for many on the fifth of April. (well you know according to the Gregorian calendar.
    Seems the world is steering many one way and we should be following the other way.
    All these things happening, kind of interesting. Not saying we should not prepare as He guides us. But everything taking place seems to cause us to consider who it is we should be putting our trust and our faith into.

    1 year ago

    Follower, go easy on me, I’m only on my second cup of coffee.

    a follower, working on it.
    a follower, working on it.
    1 year ago
    Reply to  Michael

    Chuckle, i only drink 8 -9 cups a day. Take your time man. was not an attack. Just sharing some thoughts and observations.