Operation Sandman

UPDATE 3/29/23

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Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago

The world is dumping the dollar. The dollar will collapse. But not in two weeks. Never heard of operation Sandman. Why would the Global South and the Multipolar Hegemon use that word?

Tree Mike
Tree Mike
1 year ago

This was posted in the Miami Standard back in March 17 2022, so I’m going to calm down now. Thanks for the rush.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Gen. McInerney used to have some credibility. He lost it with the story about Special Forces and CIA troops shooting it out with each other in Germany at a CIA computer farm. Back during the 2020 election.

1 year ago

I waited to reply to this because I need to research it. Operation sandman sounded curious.

Tree Mike beat me to it, thanks.

That our Marxist chimpanzees (and I am insulting real chimpanzees here, sorry) are frantically pounding on the buttons and levers of our countries’ systems is well known.

Almost everything is intertwined in the Banking-Credit system. Even Socks. Not stocks but them too. Socks, like OUR socks are some 99% offshored. Any grunt, hiker or farmer knows walking around with holey socks or no socks means you’re going to get crippled soon enough.

No credit, no shipping, no socks. Sounds silly to worry about that but I suppose the bloody rags around Washinton’s troops feet at Valley Forge WAS REAL. They had local production (ladies knitting and such) BUT they HAD NO Real Money (British Gold Coins) and locals didn’t accept the paper Colonial Dollars. The British troops could buy all the socks, boots and local food they needed from the colonials.

Got lots of socks and boots? Not as sexy as a ACOG but maybe more important.

No credit, no diesel for trucking, I used to drive an 18 wheeler OTR. A company credit card failure was crippling as nobody carried enough cash to buy diesel for that 4-5 MPG truck.

A tumbler infographic says what happens when trucks stop:

Wild Survival (tumblr.com)

That infographic doesn’t mention 3rd level effects of credit failures.

LOSS of EBT. And all the FUN that generates with Gimmie Dats. Rioting Gimmie Dats affect a lot of things including whatever trucking that tries to carry on. Ask Twenty-five years after Reginald Denny was dragged out of his big rig and viciously beaten on live TV during the L.A. riots about that.

Worse the Gov.com and its media prostitutes will fan the flames against those who prepared to deflect that ALL THIS Sh*t is THEIR FAULT. One can only ponder what extra spicy and stupid actions THEY will DO to keep power for just one more day. They are not going quietly.

So even MORE FUN for all.

Enough for now. Pray for wisdom, protect your family.

Original Grandpa
Original Grandpa
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Michael, I agree. I hope (and hopefully not too late) folks on “our side” arrive at the realization that it will be the little items that will be more important and have more value than the latest gun toy or accessory, 500 hours of tactical training; the coolest high speed gear… if you don’t have a few pairs of serviceable boots, gloves, eye pro, socks-as you said, the ability to cook food without a kitchen, water purification… the list goes on and on. Life will be very severe, and brutal. And let’s be honest, very few are fit and hardy enough to survive what is on the way, that’s just how it is. Train your body and your mind for hardships almost unimaginable. Build tribe, hold your family close. Get right with God and pray without ceasing. We ain’t seen nothin’ yet. But we surely will.
Precious metals will be almost as valuable as 30 feet of logging chain…


[…] Via NC Renegade […]

Bear Claw Chris Lapp
Bear Claw Chris Lapp
1 year ago

I do believe the dollar will fail eventually but which of these 100 nations would you trust to have the world reserve currency. It is laughable because they trusted us as well.


[…] posted the initial Operation Sandman article based on three sources. The initial source was the Telegram feed from Gen. McInerney. I have found […]

Yes, it is time
Yes, it is time
1 year ago

I trade. Usd to sell off vis a vis other fx, but it will rally bigly before that ever happens. Usd weakness is hype. Long USD

1 year ago

Clearly a troll. No sound mind believes what you are saying.

1 year ago

I’m not smart enough to discern where we are on the likelihood spectrum for Operation Sandman to actualize. But here is a little thot experiment…USD collapses. No foreign companies will ship goods to US. No boots. No mittens. No teapots. No frying pans. No fishing gear. No jeans. No t shirts. No nothing. Only products being shipped are US made. Too few goods and diminishing supplies of raw materials. $200 work boots now cost $900. $60 jeans now cost $450. A four pack of light bulbs $59. 4x8 sheet of plywood-$350. A new set of tires-$6,000. Ammo? Water filtration? First aid? Supplements? Forget about it. When things get like that, how long before the lid blows off of polite society? Kinda speaks to the logic of converting (at least some) cash to usable assets while things are still somewhat affordable.

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I thought I’d take a minute and belabor the point. The other day we were talking about if China suddenly quit shipping manufactured goods to the US. Someone spat up “I don’t buy Chinese anyway. I’ll just buy American.” Yeah, you and everybody else, bubba. Like you said, with no manufacturing base the scenario is catastrophic in the short term. Will there be getting to a long term in the face of violence, chaos and the degradation of civilized society? Who knows?

1 year ago
Reply to  DRenegade

The 3d printer is a good idea. A new welder sounds like more fun though.

1 year ago
Reply to  Hound

These “usable assets” you speak of, I call “Innate Utility..” In other words, a thing IS what it DOES. A thing’s innate utility isn’t assigned, it is the essence of the thing itself.
Diamond ring --> zero innate utility
Glass of water --> hydrates a productive carbon-based life-form.

1 year ago

My question is, “will the companies, firms and corporations who manufacture a product and pay a dividend dissolve?” I think not, but some will become insolvent and liquidate.

I’m thinking it’s not yet time to cash out my portfolio, but when I do it’s all going into precious metals, land and “supplies.”

1 year ago
Reply to  VoorTrekker

Correct me if I am wrong please…if the USD fails how are you going to pay property taxes? And I have a cousin that owns several hundred acres in the Cali high desert. When covid first hit, people panicked and fled LA. He had a number of people squatting on his property and he couldn’t get rid of them. And how do you defend your property from a determined group of people that want to take it from you?

1 year ago
Reply to  nones

Guns and ammo.

1 year ago

We know the One World Government is what the Antichrist will rule over. That will require a one world type of currency. It’s going to happen. By that time the United States will NOT be a superpower. Stay informed and find a way to protect your assets.

1 year ago
Reply to  Martha

<<<thumbs up>>>

1 year ago

Prepare, network, know your enemy. All will be affected..That said, I can find no additional information on this operation…not that this means it does not exist but…need a little more than some random paragraph on how this will go down to raise my concern even more that it is…