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- Al Buckner on More Common Sense
- MrLiberty on DeepSeek Primer
- Al Buckner on DeepSeek Primer
- Al Buckner on And the US Illegally Funded It
- Nobody on Illinois
….Waiting for the liberal meltdown. 🤣 9-0 must be painful. Wonder what’s next? Oh I know. No voter ID required. The blob/Deep State is FUBAR.
I mean you really couldn’t argue anything else….
The simple fact that the President WAS NEVER CONVICTED of the crimes they are claiming preclude him from office, means you can’t invoke the article against him. Had he been convicted, even in a kangaroo DC court, THEN you have a discussion. By precluding him from the ballot absent conviction, you are punishing him without due process and a fair trial.
Trump RESTORED to Colorado Ballot -- US Supreme Court Overturns Disqualification
To paraphrase Stalin… “How many divisions does the Supreme Court command?”. The people tasked with enforcing court rulings are the people who work for the criminal left trying to keep Trump off the ballot. The left will ignore his ruling just like they ignore all other laws and court rulings they don’t like.
Why would you put out information that is false? Trump will be on the ballots. I would like an answer.
And when folks show up to vote and Trump is NOT on the ballot, what will they do then? I think his point is quite valid. Then when he wins Colorado and they still don’t cast their electors for him, then what? And the same in every other state that was pondering destroying democracy by “protecting” it. And this is not “information,” but speculation…and quite likely true speculation.
Watch: House Democrats to ‘Revive Legislation’ to Force Trump Off the Ballot in Wake of SCOTUS Ruling
Ha, ha.
Finally, SCOTUS pulls it’s finger out.
It’s on, like Alderaan.
They’ve got a LONG WAY TO GO to restore the Constitution.
They will pull something else. They HAVE TO. The only question is will it be the spark?
They will not allow a Trump Presidency, the communists control the counting of the votes.
they have been counting the votes for months.
You bet, FJB
Why is Nikki STILL in?
Somethings going to happen and she will be the only nominee.
It costs money to run, and she has zero actual chance… the fix is already in. Remember when Joe didn’t even campaign? Fix. Was. In.
From Zero Hedge
House Dems Implode Over Supreme Court Decision; Raskin Crafting Legislation To Bar Trump From Ballot
Ink is barely dry on the Supreme Court and the Dems are already at work writing legislation to bar Trump some other way.
Earlier last week I read in I think Zero Hedge that the Dems AND RINOS were talking about “If Trump wins” we will not accept the vote in the “same manner that Jan 6th Protesters complaints”.