Oregon Standoff A Terrible Plan That We Might Be Stuck With

by Brandon Smith

Well, there is whole host of things wrong with this situation, which is why I never supported or endorsed “Operation Hammond Freedom” to begin with.  There is a lot of misinformation out there at this time on the debacle in Oregon, and certain alternative media outlets seem to be conveniently overlooking particular facts.  I suspect that some people in the movement simply want to “kick it off” (a second American revolution), and they don’t care if the circumstances of that kick-off are favorable or terrible (I realize “favorable” is relative, but starting this fight from a much stronger position is more than possible).  This attitude was prevalent among some at Bundy Ranch, as certain groups refused to dig in positions for a real fight in the hopes that they would be “martyred” for the cause.  This, in case you were wondering, is idiotic.

Oath Keepers including founder Stewart Rhodes was the only organization to predict how Ammon Bundy’s vague calls for action on the part of the Hammond Family would actually play out.  They received a lot of ignorant attacks in response, and yet, they were absolutely right.

Ammon, apparently trying to recreate what cannot be recreated, is looking for another Bundy Ranch stand-off.  First, I would point out that such events can’t be artificially fabricated.  They have to happen in an organic way.  Whenever a group of people attempt to engineer a revolutionary moment, even if their underlying motivations are righteous, it usually ends up kicking them in the ass (Fort Sumter is a good example).  Ammon’s wingmen appear to be Blaine Cooper aka Stanley Blaine Hicks (a convicted felon), and Ryan Payne (who claimed falsely during the Bundy Ranch standoff that he was an Army Ranger and who worked diligently to cause divisions between involved parties on the ground).  This was the first sign that nothing good was going to come from the Hammond protest.

I have watched extensive video from the event in Oregon and am privy to accounts from participants.  From the information at my disposal, it would appear that Ammon and team did NOT make clear their intentions to occupy the federal wildlife refuge building except to a select few, inviting protesters to “take a hard stand” without revealing what this would entail until they were already in the middle of it all.  OPSEC?  No, I think not.  Obviously the goal was to lure as many protesters to Oregon as possible to the event in the hopes that they would jump on board with the stand-off plan once they were more personally involved.  Numerous protesters were rightly enraged once they discovered the ultimate motives behind the event.


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9 years ago

Whatever the proximal cause, a widespread hot “conflict of ideologies” is not far off for us in America, and in Western Europe, as well.

Food, fuel, medical supplies, and ammo will soon be worth their weight in gold…

Prepare accordingly.


The Willpower
9 years ago

The Hammond’s did not want to sell their land -- that should have been the end of the story.
Instead they are subject to retaliation by Stalinists. All of this was unnecessary if the rule
of law had been followed.

9 years ago

“What is happening in Oregon is NOT domestic terrorism, but desperate people trying to maintain what is theirs in the face of unlawful government. The facts:

The federal government has bought out all the ranchers and farmers that will sell.
The federal government has scared off all the ranchers and farmers that will scare.

Now they must resort to fascist tactics. The Hammonds refused to sell. They refused to scare. The federal government trumped up false charges of arson to put them in prison for refusing to give in to the feds theft of their land.

The Hammonds were actually preserving their land through controlled burns. The feds don’t like controlled burns because it takes their control away. The feds charged the Hammonds with arson alleging they were burning to cover up poaching. Remember, we are talking about the Hammond’s land. The feds charged them with arson on their own land to cover up poaching on their own land. Now they are destitute. They have spent everything to legally defend what is rightly theirs and the federal government has used OUR money as deep pockets to destroy these people. That is WICKED.

Remember! These protestors in Oregon have not done anything that rises to the magnitude of Ferguson or Baltimore. Obama said he understood Ferguson and Baltimore but now the feds are crying domestic terrorism for a real peaceful demonstration? Seriously? Why are the feds upset? Perhaps because its something the feds think they own that is being seized. Its ok for thugs to destory private property in a riot but not ok for law abiding citizens to peacefully protest federal thuggary. That’s the government we have today, America.

The people have grown tired of the BLM’s fascism and it is now the feds cry “terrorism.” And now the FBI wants to gag order private citizens. Not me! I WILL NOT BE SILENT.

THIS is what happens when the feds and the people think the feds have authority to “manage land.”

CHALLENGE: SHOW ME, anyone, where the Constitution authorizes the federal government to manage land?!?

The federal government is illegally occupying State and private property. Now these ranchers and farmers have either lost or in threat of losing everything. When I say everything, I mean generations of everything.

I do not condone violence. This doesn’t have to be violent. I repeat violence is not necessary. But think about this…

Since the federal government has no Constitutional authority to manage land, what lawful authority do they have to assert any warrants or demands over this property?

The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land. Who is actually breaking the law here?

It comes down to this….what kind of America do you want to live in? Constitutional Republic or Totalitarian Oligarchy?”

http://on.fb.me/1Svga0f -- by KrisAnne Hall

9 years ago

The nature of evil never changes; and evil has ever been set to remove from men those things which are rightfully theirs -- their land, the fruits of their labor, and the sanctity of their homes.

Always, always are the halmarks of tyranny as ever they were. For tyranny is but a tool of evil, and evil never changes.

We have, indeed been warned…

9 years ago

“The Federal government has no more “Territory” (notice the capital T?) That is land held in trust for future States. Once a State is admitted into the Union pursuant to the Equal Footing Doctrine, becomes and independent and sovereign State and the federal government no longer has any authority over that land, else the State would not be sovereign.

And the only “property” the feds can “own” is described in Art 1 sec 18 cl 17. Just 10 sq miles for DC and the land necessary for ports and forts at the permission of the States.”

– KrisAnne Hall (on Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2)