Discrimination and intolerance against Christians is a threat for the security of individuals and societies as it may give rise to wider scale conflict and violence across the OSCE region[1]. To tackle this issue, the OSCE Serbian Chairmanship and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) organized on 18 May 2015, in Vienna, a “Conference on Enhancing Efforts to Prevent and Combat Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians, Focusing on Hate Crimes, Exclusion, Marginalization and Denial of Rights”. This is the second conference on this topic, the first one being held in Rome, on 12 September 2011[2]. It aims to build on the previous commitments of the Participating States related to the protection of Christians against intolerance and discrimination, namely the 2005 Cordoba Declaration by the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, the subsequent OSCE Ministerial Council Decisions 10/05, 13/06, 10/07 and the 12 September 2011 high-level meeting in Rome.
The ECLJ participated in this Conference, Ms. Andreea Popescu and Mr. Christophe Foltzenlogel, lawyers, delivering oral statements on Profanation of Christian symbolsand Denial of the rights of Christian Parents regarding the sex education in public schools and Profanation of Christian Sites in France and Denial of the Right to Contentious Objection in Sweden, respectively, submitting recommendations to approach those issues.
h/t WND
Nothing will come of this conference, how could it, Vienna is place full of sodomite lovers, islamic fanaticism and these both evils are elevated by the government in that country. euro centric nations have fallen by the way of Cain over 40 years ago and there is no return for them. the meeting alone is an oxy moron especially in a nation that despises God and his word. This so called conference is only a feel good thing and a political stunt by these loons