Other states reporting power outage attacks similar to North Carolina, Moore County

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Green Hornet
Green Hornet
2 years ago

Sounds like Gray Terror to me. Prelude to much worse events.

2 years ago

Of course the FIB blames MAGA people and the Fatherland’s dept. of Insecurity says it’s people targeting the LGBTSTFU community. This is topped only by the guy at the end who says something to the effect of using it as an opportunity to get him some benefits, probably using his Obama phone too.
Welcome to Empire Amerika in decline.

Laura ann
Laura ann
2 years ago
Reply to  Noway2

In decline big time. This country needs real patriots to go aftefr the perps. Lives are at stake as medical equipment is used by some. Also heating houses.

2 years ago

Everything is white supremacy to these morons.
If this is the start of a revolution, good for those fighting. I hope they never get caught and the numbers grow.

Laura ann
Laura ann
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

It could be an environmental group, Antifa or any one wanting to start a revolution. With wide open borders this country is ripe for anarchy.

2 years ago
Reply to  Laura ann

Antifa generally burn down businesses, attack innocent people and hang out at drag shows.
Environmental groups have been gluing themselves to crap and sitting in traffic.
This doesn’t smell like their MO.

Laura ann
Laura ann
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

These groups could change their M.O. or told to by the ones that pay them at the top.

2 years ago

Well, the only people that ever do hate crimes against gays is gays, so…

2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

You are right. The shooter in Colorado who shot up the gay club a few weeks ago was non-binary.

2 years ago

electrical grids are a prime soft target in the G4 warfare doctrine. more likely lone wolf than “white supreamasist”, and there are tens of thousands just like this one.

2 years ago

Sounds like Antifa BLM doing the grid attavks

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago

“Possibly in response to an on line call for attacks on critical infrastructure.” Really? Who?! Might be a place to start the investigation….just say’n. Why would the perps risk so much for so little? Wouldn’t they target an area that would make a statement or achieve an objective? Though not insignificant to those living in the area, it’s not much of a strategic target.

2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

hasnt it typically been the feral bureau of instigation? Arent they the ones who start this schitt

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  Tommyboy

Ya, like they couldn’t trace an on line call for attacks…

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Pistol Pete

They are laying the foundation blocks for the gun control narrative in the future. This is how it works, how and why they do it. Its like a legal precedent. “The substation attack was MAGA gun nuts” is stated as a fact, and never disputed nor disproven at the time. A second statement is built on top of the first: “MAGA gun nuts are dangerous, see precedent.” A third champion notes both points: “Media authority figure sez MAGA gun nuts are dangersous, and look at that substation attack!”
And you now have a narrative. Everyone self and cross references the same lies. Exactly like in all the Trump/Russia malarkey. Incestuous, but since nobody disproves that initial lie, the castle made of sand is built.
Sure, we all know the truth now, but the election is over, desired affect achieved, truth irrelevant…. same as whats happening here. Prolly was pantifa brown shirts making a false flag to use against gun owners. Give it 50/50 odds, just don’t think they’re that smart, feds must have given them instructions.

Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Agree .gov sticking to the script. More lock downs for our protection -- Mental conditioning.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

You’re a wise one! Great Brain

2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Blow

Joe Blow, when I first heard about this Moore County incident I immediately thought, government job and gun control. I trust not the government and while most school shootings garner a lot of emotional outpouring, electrical outages are up close and personal. Sheeple are very “me” centric so they will definitely remember the grid down experience and would likely beg for gun control more passionately to avoid another grid down if that is part of this plan. All orchestrated with probably multiple agendas in mind.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

What a bunch of maroons… the same people will attack religious organizations, and the queers? We were always at war with eastasia… the sad part is millions will parrot this very information, without realizing its trash.
Folks here understand where this leads, but, y’all see where this leads, right? Its happening, you’re not crazy, it is going to get worse.

People said there would be kungflu locldowns and got called crazy, then there were lockdowns.

People said there would be mask mandates and got called crazy, then there were mask mandates.

People said there would be travel passports and got called crazy, then there were travel passports.

The same crazy people are telling you they are going to take your guns, try to kill you some more, and force you into a digital currency, to make it easier to control and kill you. And they want you dead.
Call them crazy if you want, but the conspiracy whackjobs are 17-0.

2 years ago

Does anyone use data and facts anymore? News report speculates about potential right wing groups but where is the proof? How do we not have anyone from camera surveillance?

2 years ago

Because having camera surveillance would be too much like right!

2 years ago

interesting. the powers that be issue a warning of impending attacks against the power grid. the most prophetic agency in the world apparently as just after they say it, it happens a week later. yeh, OK.

ron martin
ron martin
2 years ago

This is Hegelian Dialectic for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. The FBI arm of the NWO/WEF fired a few rounds into a few transformers and their puppeteers are blaming the white Christians who have the gall to actually believe in God rather than the ruling elites. Reason enough to end the 2nd amendment and start rounding up white folks. Sound “far out” or the ramblings of a “conspiracy theorist”? So did cutting off little boy’s penis’s & little girls boobs or electing a corpse in the white house or taking two weeks to count the ballots in elections. Just stay asleep and behold what’s already here because the worst is yet to come.

2 years ago
Reply to  ron martin

Ron Martin, please take into consideration that they want to get rid of any color Christian Conservative. Only difference I suppose is when folks who look like me pop up they will say we are white Christians in black bodies or some such nonsense.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Pay attention to the “alleged” attempted coup in Germany. See how the German government reacted? Now apply that here. Be smart. No cell phones. Low tech. The old Mayor of Chicago banned cell phones in his office. Including his own. For obvious reasons. Having a get together? Leave the phones at home.

Lex Loathar
Lex Loathar
2 years ago

Gee. Wonder if these sub stations were providing power for food processing plants?

Ol’guy thunkin
Ol’guy thunkin
2 years ago

Accept this Reality or Suffer for it.
Contrary to too many (Parrot-triots) beliefs,thoughts or impressions.

And MANY, are not going to Live to say…
“Damn! Didn’t see that coming!”
As some Already Have.

The Ground Fodder is that. ( “Social Media Mouths/Faces.” )
Intell Noise, Clutter and Mis-Direction.
And dare I say, (Coded) Messaging/SIGNALING.

1-“They”…are well compartmentalized.

2-“They” …Have Tacticians. Is that not apparent?
“They” …are not seen or publicly heard from/of.

3-“They”…have “Assaulters,” if you will.
The Do’ers ….getting it Done.
Is it not apparent…

“They” plan EVERYTHING, including the Pre-Event CHATTER, Post-Event Talking Points, Video, Pictures and LE “TIPS.”

We have BIG MF’in Trouble.
And MANY, are not going to Live to say…
“Damn! Didn’t see that coming!”
As some Already Have.

James L Eunice
James L Eunice
2 years ago

Consider Left wing environment wackos.

Dave Cullen
Dave Cullen
2 years ago
Reply to  James L Eunice


2 years ago

Maybe they selected “Moore” County to convey that there would be “More” such attacks!

2 years ago

How do WE know it was ‘white supremacists?’ Everyone that does not agree with the Left is a ‘white supremacist’.

2 years ago

Josef Bitem and his son playing PRANKS on you?

2 years ago

Our electric stations are very vulnerable to attack. When is government going to wake up as to the necessary measures needed to protect them?!

2 years ago
Reply to  Martha

Government is awake, and government does not care. Government has a plan and it ain’t in our best interest.

Joe in Missouri
2 years ago

Are the resident 5th columns being trained to soon take out our infrastructure?

john killen
john killen
2 years ago

IF the fbi knew the attacks were coming……………..how come they did not stop them?????
I think they did the same thing they did in 1993 at the WTC when the fbi tried to blow the building……….

seems if they had sent warnings then they are the ones guilty of the deed!