Our Democracy Is Under Unprecedented Assault

Our Republic is under unprecedented assault by enemies foreign and domestic. And Joe Biden is the puppet front man. This is not a small number of extremists as Joe states but patriots fighting for their children’s freedom.

David DeGerolamo

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4 years ago

The Trump Presidency is Over, Trump surrendered when he told everyone to go home. There are casualties in war, plenty have already died this past summer, but the woman’s death today broke Trump, Pence bailed, Barr bailed, Sessions bailed, The Swamp won the 4 year war on Trump and Us, and the Country.
The Repub Party is finished, let it go the way of the Whigs, it’s not worth the effort to resuscitate, it’s mostly rhinoes anyway. If you want to try to overcome the fixed voting machines and continue the election charades at least start a new party. Let the Repubs be the 3rd party in 2024 If We get that far, I seriously doubt it as the 2nd Boot is about to descend on Our necks…..Economic. CYA when money is worth much, much less, jobs disappear and Debts can’t be paid.
democRats are Communists working for the Chicoms. Our Society has to be reduced, the roots pulled out and destroyed, then the Globalist NWO Reigns with Fascist Economics and 1 Party Communist Politics. Animal Farm’s final scene..

gail jansen
gail jansen
4 years ago

This has been one of the most difficult days in my life. I am torn between the understanding that our country has died and the rage I feel because we have been waited too long to save it. I don’t know if men like Jeffery Prather and Steve Pieznic ae right or not. But, if they are, they need to stand up now! If they are defeated, then there is no act left in this play. By the time we wake up tomorrow Pelosi, Pence, Schumer, McConnell and gang should have Trump formally removed using the 25th Amendment. I figure that gives us maybe three weeks before the Chicoms descend from Canada under UN colors and begin their genocidal purge of Americans from their newly claimed territory.

I heard a little while ago that larger trucking companies are alerting their driver that there will be no more deliveries into places like Atlanta and Chicago. Better make trips to pick up supplies first thing in the morning.

Just damn it!

4 years ago

China Joe and Cameltoe were sitting on the rocks
China Joe betrayed our Country, Cameltoe was sucking C#%ks
Our Republic died, Patriots Cried, Politicians laughed with glee
they can take my life, but not my soul
A once Great Country lives in fear
of a government out of control
The New World Order is here.