Our government is collapsing the US dollar…Are they doing it on purpose?

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The Duke of New York
The Duke of New York
2 years ago

Increasing the amount of dollars in existence by practically a trillion per month, it can’t be anything but purposeful.
When you look at everything that is being done, no border control, endless money printing to enrich the elite, energy production restrictions in the US, engineered collapse in food and fertilizer availability, vastly increased censorship powers, programable digital currencies, and an immoral and corrupt political class which openly shows disdain for more than half the population,….yeah, you could say it’s on purpose.

Tim Bo
Tim Bo
2 years ago

Didn’t Barry Sotero (the shadow prez) promise to “fundamentally change” the country? Yes a third world sh!thole is the goal.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

Other people in the world are getting away from the dollar because they don’t go along with us on Ukraine? They don’t go along with us on Ukraine? Us? Or you? This is an area where one can’t be mistaken. You’re either for the Globalists or you’re against them. The war against Russia is the Globalist agenda. Sanctions and seizures are forcing the Eastern countries and others to start their own petro currency. This will destroy the US dollar. It will result in the end of the petrodollar. The end of our currency. The end of our standard of living. To put it mildly. The beginning of the digital currency. And with that digital currency comes a big step towards total control of all the people. Cheering for Ukraine is the same as cheering for The Great Reset. Cheering for NATO intervention is cheering for the Great Reset. We’ve been had. Again. Hope I’m not too pushy. Like your videos.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

At 9:40 PM central time, WTI oil is at 114.80. It was at 130 per barrel more than a week ago. It was at 94. a few days ago. Sanctions on them. Pain on us. It all adds up.

2 years ago

Buckle up kids it’s gonna be a hell of a downhill ride, purchase all the tangible goods you can now, cause they will cost more each day, than more each hour. Food,guns, ammo, water storage, ammo, seeds and gardening implements,tools anything and everything, oh yeah…ammo.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

The only solution I can see is to start picking targets and taking them out, the waiting will only help them not us. If that is hard wait and see how bad it is going to get, because we have no idea and have never been in such a situation before.

2 years ago

Occam’s Razor. Why would they print trillions? Simplest reason is to destroy the dollar through hyperinflation. Then when people are desperate bring in their “solution to all the problems….digital currency”. Then they can control everything. You will own nothing and be happy. But most likely most will just be dead.