Our Liberty, Our Rights, Our Laws, Are Now, And Always Have Been, Our Own Responsibility To Assert And To Defend. What Are We Waiting For?

TPTB are laughing at us. I tuned in for a small portion of the show trial yesterday. I must have hit it at the right moment because Liz Cheney told me not to believe 2000 mules because it had all been debunked and that what this committee was presenting was the Truth!

Then Swamp Monster Bill Barr informed everyone that there wasn’t any fraud to be seen anywhere and that 2000 mules was a joke.

Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.

But you see, these swamp monsters have no fear. They think they are untouchable. They laugh in our face daily because they have no fear of repercussions for their bad deeds.

What would Henry Bowman do?

The FIRST foundation of a civil society is The Rule of Law. Without it, there is literally nothing other than the Law of the Jungle. I’ve written several times about how I believe the Rule of Law is and has been Dead. Well, Tyranny is openly mocking us on a daily basis. Our government officials don’t even try to hide it anymore. Why do we continue to refuse to rectify this situation of Lawlessness? TPTB have stolen our Republic and they have no intention of relinquishing power. You think you’re going to vote them out? Tyrants do not willingly give up power once gained, you have to kill them to regain your Liberty. War is inevitable here in our own land. It is the only way we can secure Liberty for the future generations.

The illegal selection of Brandon to Rule over us was a coup. It’s time we honor our oath of defending our Republic against all enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC! TPTB want us dead. They want us starving. They want us poor. They want us dependent on the state to take care of us. They want us to be slaves. That doesn’t sit well with me.  Having these people on a daily basis openly celebrating what they have done to our once great nation, makes me sick.

Things are about to spiral out of control in this country and it’s due to the fact that we refuse to take the steps necessary to secure Liberty. Our Founding Fathers I’m sure, view us as cowards and are wondering what we are waiting for. After all they left clear instructions for us should this day ever come. The Declaration of Independence states that “when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government.”

Liberty is dependent upon real men, taking action in the real world. Real risks have to be faced, and real work has to be done. I’m tired of being slapped in the face every day with the elites smug faces laughing at us because they walk free of their crimes, while the deplorables from January 6th rot in a cell for doing absolutely nothing wrong. Yet We the People do Nothing!

We all know a violent conflict is needed. We all know a showdown is coming. We can feel it. You can smell it in the air. You just know it. The only question is, what will finally ignite it? I hope with every bone in my body we are about to find out.

Our Liberty, our rights, our laws, are now, and always have been, our own responsibility to assert and to defend.

What are we waiting for?


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tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Antifa Members Who Brutally Beat, Robbed Two Latino Marines Will Get No Jail Time -- All Felony Charges Dropped by Soros-Backed Philly DA Yes as it states in the declaration of independence, self-defense. The rule of law is no more, it is what they say it is, it only applies to those that disagree with their agenda. The mass of compliant and obedient sheep do not want freedom and liberty, they are more than happy with what their masters give them. They think that once the resisters to this regime have been dealt with it will get better for them. I for one think a call to muster needs to happen nation wide, we are already classified as domestic terrorists. Why do we wait? Their propaganda campaign and fear tactics have worked, the time of wringing of the hands and sniveling is over, our lives depend upon us to stand and fight.

Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
2 years ago

Doing some training this weekend. Pew,pew practice, radio communications, MARCH, and compass reading practical.

2 years ago

Again with the call to arms. There are better ways to defend our way of life and our faith and our country. It will take real men and women of faith to accomplish this task. But you would have us believe that killing our fellow Americans is the only answer, yet you have never even tried giving disobedience a try. Stop working, stop buying, stop paying taxes, stop traffic, stop screaming for war and just stop cooperating with the government altogether. If you do this and start a movement I’ll stand with you.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Gregory

The people that stand with this evil regime are not my fellow Americans, period.

Lee Vail
Lee Vail
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Damn right Tom!

2 years ago
Reply to  Gregory

Stop paying taxes??? That is too radical for me. Sure fire way to get the Feral Man on your case, then What? Pay up or go to jail? Sorry, seems a roundabout way to get back to just shootin them to me. I’ll just keep my powder dry a little longer, no Ferals in this neck of the woods anyway. Let me know how “The Movement” works out though.

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago
Reply to  GenEarly

General, that sounds like good advice to me. By the way, I know some folks in the Early clan in western N.C.. Good folks to know.

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago
Reply to  Gregory

What you are describing is going Galt from Altas Shrugged. It is a very effective approach, however many of the readers here will not agree with the approach as they would prefer to follow a charismatic ex-military type leader who heads up a centralized organization that will confront the centralized federal leviathan and globalist traitors in

Truth in Tension
Truth in Tension
2 years ago
Reply to  Gregory

Who is John Galt? TEXIT

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

I am wholeheartedly in support of doing something. I believe any something logically planned with specific outcome would be beneficial at this time.
It’s incumbent on us to fix this mess

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Aime Hart

You have a wonderful heart of a patriot. However, a patriot cannot deny reality. Satan’s minions are organized because they are funded by printed $$$ or your tax $$$. It’s called the World Health Organization for a reason.
Their weapons are weather, biological and financial weapons. Just look at the “historic” flooding in Yellowstone. However, their neighbors that need rain are going though “historic” droughts. All the enemies of liberty that you see on TV are low lying fruit. They can be replaced by Klaus’ Young Global Leaders graduates.
Ephesians 6 says we are to stand against the wiles of the devil, not defeat it. We can’t do God’s job. Just reach out to those who are still asleep. Many even still think that 9/11 was done by Arab terrorists and not Israhell. When we move , God moves.
As far as “doing something”, have you tried letters to the editors? Look for a small independantly owned newspaper. I’ve had 15 or so published since moving to TN. You may be surprised at what get published.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

“Ephesians 6 says we are to stand against the wiles of the devil, not defeat it. We can’t do God’s job.”

Although this is correct as a general principle, to assert this as a means to not be proactive when clearly direct action is needed, doesn’t seem to be aligned with what’s situationally at stake, nor does it seem to have been practiced previously (over decades) as it relates to the direness at hand (which resulted in this threshing of sorts). It sounds more like empty words, not from anyone in particular, but rather churchy, such as to pacify people.

Hence, I looked up some definitions of the biblical meaning of ‘to stand’:

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”


(This one begs the question as to why so many Christians and others are in bondage, if they were standing to prevent being in bondage)?

“To be upon the feet, as an animal; not to sit, kneel or lie.”

“To be erect, supported by the roots, as a tree or other plant.
Notwithstanding the violence of the wind, the tree yet stands.”

“To be on its foundation; not to be overthrown or demolished; as, an old castle is yet standing.”


(Being proactive is clearly delineated here as a process in demarcating boundaries).

“It is what a soldier does while on watch (2 Sam. 18:30). From this basic meaning comes the meaning “to be established, immovable, and standing upright” on a single spot”.


(A directional focus is exhorted, which could be a single-issue concern, or a multiplied set of circumstances).

This thereby raises the question as to what exactly is meant by ‘don’t defeat the evil’.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

Tremendous thoughts you share. Many thanks. In the OT the fight was physical. God had to protect the bloodline which led to the birth of his son. Satan wanted to stop the birth of the promised seed. Unbelievers were either destroyed or they would destroy the bloodline that was promised to Abraham.
Today the battle is in the mind. We are already seated in the heavenlies, spiritually speaking by the accomplishments of Jesus Christ. The way Satan defeats believers in this life is mostly through the compromised heads of the denominations. Where would Covid had gone if church leaders had said that they would not close? The people simply followed.
Unity among patriots is certainly a worthy goal. However, in the spiritual contest, division among Christians is the key to Satan’s success. Christians are not standing against evil, they are are part of the evil by following the gubmint’s edicts. Needless to say, I’m non denominational.
Standing against the evil is simply not partaking in it. This world is not my home, I’m just a passin’ through. How will this life end? I dunno.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

The bloodline of the people of Jesus is in just as much jeopardy today as it was in the Old Testament, if not more. This can be surmised from satanic ritual abuse and child sacrifice. How many prophets were killed by abortion?

Other than the churches that were already predisposed to stand against encroaching authority, Covid-19 and the subsequent injections would still have been in probability, about as big of an issue because people will find a way to follow the state, whether it’s in a church building or not.

“Standing against the evil is simply not partaking in it.”

Not partaking in evil would more likely describe meekness, a state, or condition, but that is not the same as standing against it, which would imply action-oriented mobility.

“Needless to say, I’m non denominational.”

This supports my previous statement.

Latigo Morgan
Latigo Morgan
2 years ago

I’ve been asking this question for 30 years. The will is there, but if I step off by myself, I know I’ll probably get shot in the back by my own people. This I learned down at the border a good 20 years ago.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  Latigo Morgan

See comment to Aime.

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago

Sir, I agree with all you said, especially this statement: “We all know a showdown is coming. We can feel it. You can smell it in the air. You just know it. The only question is, what will finally ignite it? I hope with every bone in body we are about to find out.” The clock is ticking; it is now one minute to high noon. This July 4th anyone?

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

I am 100% that it will happen, the fuse has been lit.

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Yes, my friend, the fuse is burning even now.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  strider 777

Why does there have to be a showdown? With weather warfare, they flood one area, [ look at the “historic” flooding going on in Yellowstone,] to their neighbors like CA and NM having “historic” droughts. They want you dead. Weather warfare = no food = no people. Throw in economic and bioterror and I don’t see any showdown.

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Stan, I understand what you are saying. I, too, have thought about all the terrible weapons our enemies could bring against us. Yet, when we study biblical history, even in defeat there is always a remnant left. So, let us suppose they are ultimately successful in wiping out 95% of America’s population. That still leaves approximately seventeen million of us to hunt them down and bring the evil bastards to justice.

2 years ago

I am fairly certain any kinetic action on our part will be playing into their hand.
I figure they’ve war gamed and sand boxed just about every angle. We’ll never ever have supportive or honest coverage of our actions.

However, I see no other option except timing. Our enemies are not “Americans”.
I pray for guidance daily and my gut instinct gets stronger.


2 years ago
Reply to  Dana

“I figure they’ve war gamed and sand boxed just about every angle.”

And you would be correct. FEMA holds exercises every year. And the back-room boys play the game of thrones against who will knock them off. However, the following scenario is our best choice. Once the starving zombies begin to move and we are forced to defend, martial law will be declared. That is when all bets are off; and it will make no difference how we are labeled (or libeled). Alternate scenario is when the alphabets come to a theater near you. I would like to interject that this will also activate the 5th column consisting of BLM/Antifa, Muslim, cartels, Chinese plants and most likely an influx of various nationalities coming across the border with the sole intent of destroying America. This is the best scenario as it will force the issue on everyone -- good or bad, for or against, patriot or sheep. It will be every man for himself and then some. All objectives will be fair game. We have no plan. All we have is desire. When it hits the fan, there will be more like-minded folks in your immediate area who will realize the need to coordinate. Right now we are fractured. Do not act in haste. Timing is golden.

2 years ago
Reply to  EddieHnatko

I concur. That is about how I’ve worked it out.


Pray for the slaughtered Davidians
Pray for the slaughtered Davidians
2 years ago

“Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.”
comment image

strider 777
strider 777
2 years ago

As to the above short video of Mr. Peter Strzok: now that is a demonically- infested poor soul if I ever saw one. I pray for this man; I really do. Lord Jesus, I humbly ask that you drive that demon our of Mr. Strzok , throw it into the Abyss, and hold it there until the time of your judgment. Amen.