Our manufacturing base is destroyed could we at least manufacture at a WW2 level after a war?

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2 years ago

No; sad to say: we could not.

2 years ago

SP1 thanks for the up date and all the good advise! Thanks also for a forum for those who have no where else to spout, ” disinformation” or “hate”.

To be sure we have little of our old manufacturing base and if we get an EMP we will have nearly none! Prep and pray.

Now, I would gladly give up the west coast, but I am a curmudgeon.
All we need to do to defend our country is send our troops to the border, where the real invasion is!

I am old and stupid, and I don’t understand how killing people in third world countries across the planet or starting a war with Russia is in anyway defending our country or freedom! I have listened to all the excuses for the last sixty years for all the wars we have been in, and I don’t buy any of it!

The enemies of America, freedom and the constitution, are all in Washington!

2 years ago

On a lighter note, many of us really old preppers, have squirreled away lots old EMP proof technology to get us going again, I also know of some who have steam engines. Those with solar power will help also, as will gear heads with old cars.
The key to getting it all going again, is food on hand, gardens and of course help from Washington.

2 years ago

In the beginning of the second world war, the American military strategy was to abandon Washington, Oregon and california. The idea was that there were enough citizens with firearms to at least delay the Japanese invasion if it came. The line of defense that was established, was the natural barrier….the Rockies.
Thus that should be the point at which we stop them. If any liberals take offense to this simply escort them to the western side of the divide and tell them to have a pleasant day and not to attempt re-entry to the eastern side. Once the ability is presented we take the west coast back.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kal
2 years ago
Reply to  Kal

I’ve a relative living in Billings Mt, a contractor, and he said that you wouldn’t believe the people moving in from the west cost and their bull snot ideas on how things should be done and run. He said that they were almost crazy and or dumb or both in their ideas, and he said they were serious

2 years ago

How could we? Who could do the welding? Rosie the Riveter could outwork 30 soy boys or more. Besides, maff and being to work on time are rayciss…

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

What did he say?