Our Side Is Still Playing By The Rules, While Evil Knows No Rules. God Will Not Hold Us Guiltless.

Well it’s the beginning of a new week. Will this be the week that everything blows up? It’s hard watching your country crumble in real time and feeling helpless to stop it. My life has been extremely busy lately and I apologize for not writing as much as I usually do. I will be living at the ballfields for the next two months. I am coaching my twin daughters team for TeeBall.  I am also coaching my sons team in Machine Pitch. Also my teenage daughter is on the soccer team, so I have very little time for anything. It’s surreal pretending like everything is normal in the world for your children while wondering everyday if this will be the day that the SHTF. What I wouldn’t give to just be able to withdraw from society. I am so disgusted by everything. I don’t even know what to say anymore.

Every day we seem to be hit with a new kind of evil. And we just continue to grumble under our breath. We are also told not believe what our eyes can plainly see. I feel like such a stranger here in my homeland.

The Hunter Biden laptop of course is real. The enemy media refuses to cover it and continues to aid in the cover-up of the stolen election.

I am told I must hate Putin/Russia for what is happening in Ukraine and pretend that our government and media never lies to the American people. When the Clintons, Obamas, Bidens, Bushs, Soros, Deep State, et al, are telling me to hate another leader of a Country, well I’m going to go the opposite of what those people tell me. Putin loves his Country and I have no problem with him securing his borders. Funny how the biolab story was a conspiracy for all of about a day. Is Putin a bad man? Sure. But he isn’t allowing his country to be overrun with illegal aliens. He isn’t allowing his country to become morally depraved. Regardless of what the media says, he seems to be rather popular among to Russians. I doubt Putin would allow a man to compete in womens athletics and crush womens souls. God has used bad people before to do good. Perhaps this is one of those times?

Let’s quit worrying about Russia/Ukraine and worry about cleaning up our own country. A coup took place here two years ago and we have done nothing. We have accepted it and continued to live our lives hoping that things will somehow magically get repaired. But it seems that it’s impossible for people to think outside the box. Our side is still playing by the rules, while evil knows no rules. I keep hearing talk of how the Red Wave is coming in the upcoming elections. Yet we have more Dominion voting machines in place now than before. Absolutely nothing was done to correct our voting processes. Therefore the stealing of our country will continue. The communist have fundamentally transformed our country. Yet we still think we can vote our way back because we have a Constitution. I got news for you, that Constitution isn’t worth anything now. There is no rule of law. This house has to be torn down and the Foundations restored. But no one on our side wants to do it. No one wants to be first. We just continue prepping and waiting for trouble to come to our door. We need men the caliber of the Founding Fathers, and it seems at this point we have none. I have put my neck on the line numerous times. I have confronted my local tyrants. But it’s not enough. What no one wants to accept is that we’ve got to KILL these bastards. But most of our preachers, teachers, and political leaders have brainwashed our side into eunuchs for their side. Continuing not to act is to act.

God will not hold us guiltless. It’s time to unite and rid the world of this evil we are faced with.


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2 years ago

Good points, all of them. We all have a spiritual and social obligation to fight the evil and stupidity sweeping the country!

2 years ago

Very good article. I totally agree with everything you wrote.

Robert Orians
Robert Orians
2 years ago

I could not but help thinking of you Wes, and your attempts to sound the trumpet and stir the remnant into action before it was too late ,when I read this article on American Greatness . The author you can tell is of a different class than you and I and that is plain from the decorum he abided by as he tried to say the things you have been saying for well over a year now . I don’t know if we can win this battle or not but if we do not fight soon it will surely be too late . It is time to stop the machine before it eats our kids.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

More and more everyday, I see but one way to end this evil regime, when I looked at the article of that vile low life hunter biden all I could think about was 187PC, I made a comment that we just need to pick some targets and get busy. I could not imagine raising children today, sounds like you’re doing a great job Wes. I do not think there is a way back to the former Republic that was stolen. Me and the wife got the flu, this is the first time I have ever been this sick, we are using ivermectin, zinc, and all the rest of the things that work against this man made virus. If it is not survivable I may become a kamikaze.

Deplorable Joe Voter
Deplorable Joe Voter
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Make sure you start at the top and work your way down if you go that route. No one can survive a committed sniper.


[…] h/t Comment Section […]

2 years ago

With millions of guns available and nobody willing to use them not even one of these basturds has been hit or shot at or NOTHING. Maybe Putin can help put an end to this shithole country. That would be too funny at this point. Maybe somebody should shoot at the Russians so they have an excuse to hit the homeland.

Lee Vail
Lee Vail
2 years ago

Forget any rules now, the left has. We need to start killing Democrats and RINOs where and when we find them, take our country back and re-establish the Constitution as the Founders intended. Nothing else is needed.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

I suspect a situation is going to take place quite soon, that will give us the opportunity to begin the purge. It will be quite unpleasant, but don’t waste the opportunity.

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago

Take your team and go out and do it.

Then watch how fast the Conservatives, the MAGAites, and the Trumpites turn on you.

Ya’ll may as well face the fact that MOST people will get on the Train to suffer a long suffering death of hope, rather than take up arms and face the possibility of a sudden death.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elder Son

It’s expected “our side” will immediately turn on us. We will be further dismissed as racist, white supremacists and Nazis. Inevitably there is a fine line between freedom fighters and terrorists as the founders knew. When we win we’ll be celebrated as patriot freedom fighters who sacrificed EVERYTHING. Were we too fail our families will be imprisoned and killed…

If there were an easy solution everyone would be doing it…


2 years ago

Yes, the traitors must be killed. This includes all of those complicit in the media who spread these horrible lies.

2 years ago
Reply to  Stan

Yes sir, The media is where we should start.


Otis D
Otis D
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan

government and “media” are one and the same.

(hint: not bloggers)

Reply to  Stan

It’s the khazars and their agents chaos traitors

Ron Woodbridge
Ron Woodbridge
2 years ago

The xl pipeline will forever be irrelevant. It won’t be trasferring U.S. oil. (Chinese oil from Alberta). And the U.S. has no refinery capacity available to refine the chinese oil, without reducing refining of U.S. oil. U.S. refinery capacity is already 50,000bbls a month below U.S. demand. And that doesn’t include big oil exporting fuels to foreign countries to the detriment of U.S. consumers. We don’t need one more drop of oil inbound. We need 5 new refineries for U.S. fuel supply to meet U.S. demand.

2 years ago

Actually, Evil does know the rules. Evil will dismiss man’s rules because they are man’s. Evil will not obey God’s rules because they have no Fear of GOD and they have not made HIM LORD of their life. But let’s not be under the assumption that Evil doesn’t know the rules. They do.

2 years ago
Reply to  Martha

Yes, we are in tremendous spiritual warfare and all of the righteous Saints need to keep vigilant, but also be aware that we will not be here when the Lord pours out His wrath. It is almost time for our departure… take comfort from that, this is NOT OUR HOME. Once the restrainer is gone it will be literal HELL ON EARTH!

2 years ago

Make America THINK Again!

2 years ago

Wes, you knocked it out of the park again. I will be your side shortly.


Jay Kethley
Jay Kethley
2 years ago

there have been hundreds of terrible events since 2001 when V. Pres Gore defied God in his speech where he misquoted Isaiah at the 9-11 disaster site. The fall of the twin towers was the first of many judgments. The latest this week in the US is wildfires and floods in Texas at the same time, go figure. These are all HARBINGER judgments or warning judgments. God is warning the US to repent. God is saying that we should repent or things will get much much worse, as in the horrific Tribulation judgments. Repent and get ready, get ready, get ready, the Lord is coming soon. The next thing on the prophetic calendar is the pre-trib rapture. Only the born-again Christian gets to go to heaven. It will be rough the Sunday after the Rapture. The churches will be packed with a lot of angry, confused people. They will want to know why they were left behind. This will be the first time some of them have been in church in 50 years. I am not planning on being there. Study up on some of these links: https://www.raptureready.com/ https://harbingersdaily.com/ https://olivetreeviews.org/news/prophecy-watch/

Tom Cullen
Tom Cullen
2 years ago
Reply to  Jay Kethley

You need to ask the Lord to open your eyes. And then read the Bible again. The rapture is an easily proven lie. A false doctrine who’s beginnings can be traced back to only 100 or so years ago. No one in the early church or throughout the history of christendom believed this nonsense until recently. I’m sorry, that’s the truth.

2 years ago

The MSM is FOOL of leftist, liars, and looneyticks. Not usefool to anyone anymore.

2 years ago

Peter said many other things to warn them. He begged them,
save yourselves from these evil people. Acts 2:40

Tom Cullen
Tom Cullen
2 years ago

Great plan Wes, you go first, we’ll all be right behind you.

2 years ago

While at any other time in history I would be inclined to say drastic measures, I know the NWO (biden today) reset is the Bible’s tribulation period and it starts later this year. Letting everyone know and bringing them to God is paramount. Resistance is paramount. Fighting in defence of family and others is paramount.

We see the absence of normal everywhere. Delusions and lies that even we fall for. Everything is just as the Bible said. Everything! And no one knows, because they never read / studied their Bible.

John and Dianne
John and Dianne
2 years ago

Don’t hate the people, hate the demonic forces driving them to do evil things. Bind the evil spirits, pray for the people to be saved, and be led by the Holy Spirit.

Deplorable Joe Voter
Deplorable Joe Voter
2 years ago

I’ve been saying since November 2020 that there will never be another free and fair election in this country. The ballot box is broken. The ammo box is now our only option or give up and become Venezuela, North Korea or China. I have too many guns and too much ammo to surrender peacefully. I want my country back. I put eight years of my life on the line for this country, was willing to die for it back then. Nothing has changed for me.