Our Southern Code of Honor


I read, just this week, that North Carolina is the 3rd fastest growing state in the country behind only California and Texas. I suppose I should be proud of that. I’m not, particularly. I question how many of the immigrants to North Carolina are LEGAL.

We have had a great influx of folks from the Northern climes in recent years. They have had, we have heard, difficulty in assimilating into out Southern Culture. That is as it should be. We Southerners are, most assuredly, a different people with a different culture. And it is vitally important for all immigrants into the South to understand that the Southern Hospitality we are famous for, does have its limits.

Over the years I have been asked about our Southern Code of Honor. I assure you it does exist. It is written upon the heart of every Southerner having trod the scared soil of the South.

What is this legendary Southern Code the Southerners are so proud of anyway?


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8 years ago

Code of honors mean nothing if the people don’t stand up for honor and righteous acts. Codes mean absolutely nothing without God fearing people.