Our Words Are Useless! The Time For Talk Is Over!

I actually have two friends who just registered to run for the US Congress. I can’t believe it. They know the system is rigged against them. Yet they are giving it a go. I applaud and admire them for it. However I think its foolish and a waste of their time and money.


My mayor asked me if I had saw that Mark Robinson had filed at my son’s wrestling practice the other day. I just laughed and said we can’t vote our way out of this mess. They agreed but said we still have to try.


Saw this little picture this morning:

People think if they just speak out and vote that the evil we are faced with just goes away.

There is only one way that we defeat this evil. We have to kill the bastards, every last one of them! What we do needs to be biblical! So that evil will be afraid to raise its ugly head for tens of thousands of years.

People keep saying that it is just not the time. Thats the problem, its the never the right time. Go ahead and pin your hopes on one more “the most important election of our lifetimes!” How many important elections of a lifetime are you going to allow?

This evil that has taken over our country and conditioned you to think it is biblical to just “love and pray for them while turning the other cheek” are laughing at you. Meanwhile our churches teach that actively opposing Communist is akin to Hitler! You know in your hearts what must be done. You can feel it in every inch of your bones. What is lacking is our Courage.

Wake Up!!!

I’m disgusted! Are you?

I’m tired of doing nothing! Are you?

May God Have Mercy On Our Souls!


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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

Yes, I am sick and tired of doing nothing, like as said our words mean nothing, if they are not backed up with action. If you have young children, who would want to have them persecuted and indoctrinated in their disgusting ideology, evil and satanic. I will keep saying it, A CALL TO ARMS, mobilize and act is what is needed now. TINVOWOOT, the only vote I will cast is from the tree line.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

Do it now or stfu.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Nobody

Are your butt cheeks puckering up, you STFU.

foot in the forest
foot in the forest
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

VOTE; 308 & FREEDOM The last one cast, BFYTW, count that mo$#@#$&^%$#

kal kal
kal kal
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

perhaps time for all in Sodom on the Potomac to fall over?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

How are your children Tom, i have yet to see you ever speak of them?

1 year ago

We are not going to change or alter anything with the leaders we have at the federal level, the majority of them are inculcated with fallen beings and demonic entities and the bureaucracy has rigged voting machines against the American people and in favor of wicked and evil democrats as well as rinos. you are correct time for talk is over.

1 year ago

Wes, I think until some select individuals, at the top of the food chain (I’ll leave them nameless but, you know who they are), are tried, found guilty of treason, and hung in the public square as an example to the others, nothing is going to change. Those actions would then spur a movement that could change the course we are on.

This country was taken over and many still don’t realize it. There is still a very thin façade of what was once a great republic but, in reality, it is just that — a façade. Puppet masters are controlling every department of government, including all of the agencies (i.e., FBI, CIA, DOH, DoD, etc.).

When the senate chambers are used for homosexual sex; when the White House is used for snorting cocaine and a resident POTUS is walking around naked in a demented daze, when the White House “Christmas event” is a show of woke, white-hating performers, we know that the republic has fallen and is on nothing but the fumes of a great past.

There is, without a doubt, a seething, bubbling anger in many decent Americans who have been trying to raise their families, keep their jobs, and put food on the table but, it is getting harder and harder to do so.

Before I get on a soapbox on other thoughts on my mind, I’ll leave it there.

Last edited 1 year ago by brewer55
1 year ago

I agree with Wes.

1 year ago

“…. we can’t vote our way out of this mess. They agreed but said we still have to try.”

That, is the very definition of Insanity.

Some, just don’t/won’t get it, till it’s “Their Time” and even then denial to save the delusion.

Keep playing the enemies game by the enemies rules.
Annnnd here we are.

Crawl, Walk, Run.

1 year ago


Louis Jenkins
Louis Jenkins
1 year ago

All of these events were unimaginable when I was a youngster. The backlash will be devastating. Whether it is the return of Jesus, or a civil war, we will see the capital looted and burned. We will never vote these people out of office, so why not destroy the Sodom and Gomorrah that is our nation’s capital.

1 year ago
Reply to  Louis Jenkins

Indeed, we are very justified in doing so, in fact, the longer we wait, the stronger they grow while we grow weaker. The time to attack was yesterday.

1 year ago
Reply to  Noway2

im in radiology. I see DAILY the pernicious effects of the bioweapon clotshot. I can confirm others allegations of healthy folks in their 20’s-40’s stroking out or MI. Or is it normal for a 28 year old male to get the JJ shot and have an MI 5 days later? He can no longer exercise and wears a heart monitor almost 24/7.
The DSFucks have won the biowar, lamentably. Time IS on their side. But fear not, realrawnews tells us the tribunals are moving along swimmingly.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Does it matter who you are quoting to nudge your ideas and agenda?
Gilbert K Chesterton friend of George Bernard Shaw? And yes there are many other things that should raise some alarm bells.

i share much of your anger and disgust at the way of this world. Voting our way out is not the silver bullet. Yet Voting has turned some things around in a few elections around the country. Point is there is no silver bullet!

1 year ago

comment image

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

So, just what has our vote given us? The most corrupt, vile and putrid regime in American history, they attempt to tell us everything is fine, the economy is booming, while they renew the most egregious act of spying on American citizens. Are things better for you and your loved ones? As Wes stated, are you sick and tired of doing nothing, we seem to be stuck in a malaise that we cannot rise out of. There is only to answers, rise and fight, or stay on our knees and die.

Last edited 1 year ago by tom finley
1 year ago

Ok. I angered some folks. I just got tired of the same old “when they come for me, I’ll show them” routine. I get it, most of you are old folks. But you can do something. Recon. Do any of you know where your governor or 2 US Senators live? Didn’t think so. How are you going to verify that they lawfully live where they say they do? They can’t hold office if they don’t live where they are supposed. If you catch my drift. Verify their residence, take note of the area. Cameras? Security? Those may be indicators that they actually live there. Catch my drift? Share the info with like minded folks. There. Now, at least, you can say you did something.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Nobody

I have done recon on those things you talk about, I know how frustrating it is with the talk of doing something and on and on. I will not go any further with those things here, I will say the fuse has been lit and as has been said maybe today is not the day, but it is coming sooner than you think.

1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

there are people in marizoopa so on edge they keep almost full kit in their trucks!

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  azman

As do a lot of people here in Mojave county as well.

1 year ago
Reply to  Nobody

Nobody unless you live in Tom’s area WHAT Benefit is Tom’s “reports” you’re asking for going to do?

DO your OWN AO Research. Grow your own Mutual Assistance Group.

I’ve got my Santa’s list. Do you?

But I do get tired of “somebody’s got to” stuff.

Look in the mirror, YOU are Somebody.

1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Been there. Done that and more. I don’t have much money, but I armed and trained some of the younger guys here. And of course, I already did the recon. Soon the decisions to act will be made for us. I implore some of you, don’t go to a bug out location. Stand and fight. Or better yet, go on the offensive when the time is at hand. Why wait for death to come to your door? When you can deliver it for free to their door?

1 year ago

Imagine the US turning into what it is and SF guys are happy to cold chill in the beach breeze making videos!

1 year ago

“People keep saying that it is just not the time. That’s the problem, it’s never the right time.” EXACTLY. American Revolution II might not succeed, but nothing else has a chance.

Tom Winslow
Tom Winslow
1 year ago

Also, adding to my previous post . . . we have no leader that is equivalent to Robert E. Lee.

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Tom Winslow

I would add none.