Pacific Patriots Network (PPN) is offering a $500.00 reward

Pacific Patriots Network (PPN) is offering a $500.00 reward for the return of all items left in memorial of LaVoy Finicum at the site of his death on Highway 395 outside of Burns Oregon.

Sometime in the past twelve hours, an individual or individuals took it upon themselves to desecrate the memorial site of LaVoy Finicum, a symbol of community grief, loss and healing. While it is evident they did not agree with Mr. Finicum’s stance, it is still a loss of life of a loved one. PPN denounces the vile action’s of those involved and will bring all of our resources to bear for the return of all memorial items.

Federal official have been in contact with PPN and made assurances county, state and federal agencies did not remove the memorial or any items associated with it.

Pacific Patriots Network Media Team

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9 years ago

Well, the sons of bitches came and took it, didn’t they?

It is altogether remarkable how the Social Justice Warrior leftists have vilified the memory of LaVoy Fincum in every online venue the bastards can access, including the page upon which Finicum’s novel is being sold.

There’s plain evil, and then there’s “Liberalism.”

George Proctor
George Proctor
9 years ago

…you know, I have firmly believed that islam is the army of satan for many years now, but I have suddenly come to the conclusion that liberals are their officer corp.

9 years ago

When you understand that Liberals are Fascists and they want those that oppose them face down in a ditch , then and only then do their actions make any sense.

9 years ago

a man died for his beliefs here and a memorial was set up.

even uncivilized or “primitive” tribes venerate their dead, set up monuments, and consider these places “holy.” they are NOT to be tampered with. sometimes not even to be set foot upon.

what we see here is the FACE of the ENEMY ORCS. worse than uncivilized. satanic. demonic.

you cannot reason nor debate with such low life forms. lower than a snake’s belly.

Doug O
Doug O
9 years ago

Ok, there is some irony to be seen here in having items around a flag that said “Come and Take it” stolen, maybe they just took it literally.

9 years ago

Just like the Taliban & ISIS destroying ancient relics, anything counter to the approved narrative must not be allowed to exist.

9 years ago

game camera x2, mutual support

9 years ago

And you believe these “officials”? Law enforcement, and Washington have lied so many times they remind one of the little boy who cried wolf.

9 years ago

Right you are George!

9 years ago

Who didn’t see that coming. Should have had at least a couple of trail cameras. Sometimes I think the patriot orgs are still asleep

HHH Old Vet.
HHH Old Vet.
9 years ago

In the order of Who done it, #1 The County took items to dump, #2 BLM #3 USFS.
OR- local aholes, punks, low lifes or some other form of .GOV. employee.

Rebel Patriot 1775
Rebel Patriot 1775
9 years ago

Set up another memorial, wait in the woods for them, then shoot them. Problem solved.

Roland Deshain
Roland Deshain
9 years ago

Just when you think the human debris cannot go and lower….rrorol

9 years ago

Game camera my ass. Stand guard, armed, and if necessary shoot the bastards who both murdered a good man, and then defaced his memorial.

Linda Robb
9 years ago

There is the outside possibility that family or friends may have removed the items. Mormons do not believe in the cross or any other ‘symbolism’. Some have said it would be like a stake through LaVoy’s heart with the crosses. So they could have been removed as a ‘church act’, as it were.