Pam Bondi: Bring Charges

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wv citybilly
wv citybilly
6 hours ago

He mentioned The Remembrance Project.
NCFire used to do a great job of documenting illegal alien crimes in North Carolina. Sadly, they stopped posting in 2022.

6 hours ago

Blondi better get with the program! She’s missing the boat when it comes doing the job that we expect out of the Trump AG!

Big Ruckus D
Big Ruckus D
5 hours ago
Reply to  joe6pak

Shades of Jeff Sessions, all over again. We’ve seen this show before, and it sucked the last time we watched it.

2 hours ago
Reply to  Big Ruckus D

You just read my mind!

Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
5 hours ago

Pam Bondi has been a failure in a very short period of time.
President Trump needs to fire her and nominate someone who will do what she is unable to do.

4 hours ago

How much legal training do you have Lee? Not much I’d wager if you think 6 weeks of Hurricane against the Deep State Blob isn’t effective enough.

They are fighting tooth and nail with activist judges, hostile media and trying to keep FICKLE “supporters” like you happy.

6 weeks, ok. How many HOURS will you give the next one before you start blasting complaints?

Given that Trump’s already fired one non-performer I’m sure Bondi isn’t immune to getting replaced IF Trump has lost faith in her.

52 seconds ago
Reply to  Michael

Michael: Keep in mind the AG has the exclusive power to empanel a Federal Grand Jury. Grand Juries function as investigative bodies with full subpoena power. When someone is subpoenaed in front of a GJ, they DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE COUNSEL PRESENT. A Deputy United States Attorney interrogates them and even individual GJ members may submit questions to the prosecutor to ask the person under subpoena. You either answer the questions or plead the Fifth. I speak from experience as for the last 16 years of my Peace Officer career I worked as a DA Investigator in SoCal. I know how the game is played.
All the AG would have to do is start the subpoena process. Once the laundry list came out the usual suspects would be scrambling to cut deals and snitch off one another. Just look at the P Diddy clown show. The Hollywood deviates involved are stumbling all over themselves cutting deals to keep from getting exposed. Nuland, Kagan, and the Vidmans were not pardoned by The Biden. They are meat on the table. I voted for The Golden Golem in the hope swamp creatures would be perp-walked to Gitmo after they modeled their orange jump suits. Looks like new boss same as the old boss. Sad.

4 hours ago

“if it was up to me”?? It is up to her isn’t it? I mean she is the attorney general of the land. So the buck stops with her. So bring charges already..

4 hours ago

these Mayors or whatever you call these A-Holes know darn well they are breaking the laws, but they don’t care, there insane politics in their warped mind trumps any federal laws. Bondi needs to bring charges against these mayors and lock them up with the gang bangers they so dearly love and protect. Hey Bondi, do your freaking job and begin the prosecutions and if you don’t have it in you than get out of the way and step down. Trump needs to bring back Gaetz to do the job and he can seat him as the new AG as a recessed appt. and he does not need to appear before the clowns in the senate. Down let her sit there and no one gets prosecuted, you will be making a very bad error in judgement this time. get her the hell out of there since it’s early in the game.