Pardons Ignored

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1 month ago

If this is the case then the dc police must be swatted by the new fbi, arrested and put into there own prison to rot.

Balanced Rock
Balanced Rock
1 month ago
Reply to  Phil1350

That would be befitting! I was just thinking the people who are refusing to release them need to be arrested right now. That mentality that just enjoys hurting others needs to go. Who will be next on their lists?

1 month ago

This surprises anyone?

1 month ago
Reply to  Marcus

But…but…their not following the rules?!
Nooo Sheatt

1 month ago

Snakes don’t follow the rules 🙁

Doug E.
Doug E.
1 month ago

Eventually each person working in that building must leave. Fill in the blanks yourselves.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
1 month ago

What these rats in the prison system don’t realize is that they’re putting their heads and jobs (at the very least) on the legal chopping block. These pardons did not extend down to the mid and low level apparatchiks and conspirators who would do anything they were told to do. If they don’t think that word of this has not filtered up to the highest levels of the man in the Whitehouse now--they’re fooling themselves. All of this mistreatment, abuse and torture is going to come to light shortly--and heads are going to roll literally. There will be arrests, perp-walks and high-profile trials of those who let these outrages continue under the color of law. Even those mid to low level FBI wonks who willingly and gleefully participated in these abuses at the very least are going to find themselves on the cold streets and possibly facing proceedings for abuse of constitutional rights.

It’s going to be a fun time with President Trump back in power.

1 month ago

Word. Title 18, Section 242 U.S.C -Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Authority. The federal prison system is about to see a change in the apparel of its employees. The rats you described above will be wearing the orange jumpsuits and ankle monitors. Psalm 91:8.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
1 month ago

I glad I’m not the only one who sees this. The abuses of prisoners was rampant and blatant--like they were employed by the East German Stasi (no difference). They thought there would be blow-back or ramifications. FYI--prison guards DO NOT possess qualified immunity. Even if they did (not likely), this would be lost in a ‘depravation of rights’ case against them. And we’re looking at hard federal time for these goose-stepping thugs. And ditto for the mid and upper-level management who ‘were just doing their jobs’ and carrying out ‘orders from above.’ Now this is where the SHTF for these rats--on the upper management in the DOJ who were not on the pardon-parade. These people are screwed and looking at hard, hard time for this conspiracy.

Well here’s who in the past were also just doing their jobs and following orders…
The Khemir Rouge
The Ton Ton Makut
The Stasi
The Japanese Kempeitai (thought police)

Warren V. DeCee
Warren V. DeCee
1 month ago

Also 18 USC 241 Conspiracy to Deprive Rights.

1 month ago

#47’s E.O.’s need to have some sharp teeth and be willing to bite hard, fast and with intent.

Doc B
Doc B
1 month ago

Mr. Trump needs to send the Attorney General in person to the Gulag. He needs to bring with him a contingent of US Marshals and the FBI HRT. If there is any hesitation of any kind to follow the orders of the AG, have the Marshals arrest the employees and carry out the orders. If they resist the Marshals, have HRT breach the building and eliminate the threat.
No more games. Make an example of these people.

1 month ago

Where is the local Sheriff,to arrest the jail staff ?

1 month ago
Reply to  Robert

Most likely licking the rear end of bowser.