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- Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim on AARP Meets DEI
- tom finley on Terrorist Attacker Crossed into Texas Two Days Ago?
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- lol no on Policeman Ignores Woman Burning to Death
- TakeAHardLook on Bird Flu – Gain of Function Again
I bet if we ship a bunch of them to the midwest they’d convert to Jehova’s Witnesses!
(sarcasm off)
Or if to Utah--to Mormonism.
……………this wouldn’t be made by the same faggots that did the PHONY beheading videos for the past 25 years of war would it ? Naaaaa……the boys and girls down at foggy bottom??……NAaaaaa ! could this be a tool for distraction?…Naaaaaa ! Dudes left over from operation Gladio.?…..of course not , they’re to old now……this must be true ! .gov and big media would not and has not ever lied to us… fake / deep fake ?? Naaaaa …..or have you been conditioned to just fear and hate when they tell you to…?……..
………come on now chant with me USA USA USA USA USA USA….!………
Most Probable: C-eye-A, Rothschild-land mossad -asset controlled-groomed and trained….please, remember: the ruling class families who ARE NOT elites but, evil, psychotic, deceptive, bear-false-witnessers and liars, thieves, murderers with all of their coercive diabolical plans, constantly stealing, pillaging, plundering, destroying, demoralizing, …..We The People throughout history with their “initiated” and black-mailable lackey -minions who are “sooooo desperate to be somebody” as they attend some type of “Eyes Wide Shut” initiation orgy, thus, the black-mail, and now beholden and owned and also do this evil bidding of devastation, destruction, demoralization, tampering with people’s hormones-endocrine system and all health systems of the body, and poison, pervert, adulterate everything — for THEY ARE “MARKET Makers” as they take all that exists in its whole-systems, Holy, Pristine State of benefice, Life-giving, Life-sustaining, and Life-yielding and THEY PERVERT these resources, bodies, systems, materials and “Make a Market” with and from it and Prof$t from these Un-Holy, destestable, vile perverted ideas and goods. This EVIL, EVIL, seemingly ever-growing EVIL group Wants WAR—- a destructive, terrorizing, chaotic nightmare World War so that THEY can emerge from the tragic, horrific devastation as “gods,” little ‘g’ and welcome the NON-Christian -- NON Adamic race Messiah/Moshiac who will have “The-State-of-The-Art Semi-conductor Micro-chip in it’s brain. And…. Since THEY love utilizing the number 6, maybe this deceptive entity from hades will have 6 controllable State-of-the-Art Semi-Conductor Micro-Chips….plus Project Blue-Beam, the useful purpose of Ulta-Violet, “Purple lights,” light spectrum, (laboratory-made poison serums manufactured for injections called vaccines…..) ( voice 2 skull technology…. Remember: they pointed out building number Six at The Trump Rally shooting in Pennsylvania… Oh Good, Gracious, Holy Heaven, Christ Jesus, Christ Yeshua, Christ Yahoshua please, Divinely Intercede and PLease, PROTECT YOUR People! For NOT all people are belonging to Christ Jesus, Christ Yeshua, Christ Yahoshua— The Way.
“And fear not them which are able to kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both body and soul in hell.”
Matthew 10:28
They took down that video quickly!! Unable to access it.
It’s still up
X hmmmm…this page doesn’t exist. try searching for something else.
(thats what it says !
Works on my android
consider that western governments are funding this invasion/replacement.
never let a good crisis go to waste