Partisan standoff over Benghazi report


David DeGerolamo

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8 years ago

A pitchfork and torch march, on the white mosk of ill repute, is long overdue.

Tom Angle
8 years ago

They do not say because we where supporting al qadea with arms, training and air strikes in both Libya and Syria. That is treason at all levels. From the president on down to the person loading the planes. That is the secret that is being covered up and everyone in DC knows it. These bimbos on this show should also. FOX News came out and said that they where al qadea groups that we where supporting there.

8 years ago

I call ‘bullshit’. 0bama and every member of his cabinet knew that he and Hilary were running guns to Al Qaida in Syria via Libya. That’s what they’re *all* hiding. Creating the necessary chaos in Libya was one of the reasons for overturning the rule of Momar Qhadaffi in the first place.

The reason that they chose Libya, was that Qhadaffi was selling oil priced in Gold Dinars instead of $USD -- in essence going directly against the OPEC-supported hegemony of the US Dollar as the global reserve currency. And since they ‘had to’ end Qhadaffi’s rule, they might as well benefit from that chaos by using Libya as their staging-ground for supporting the Syrian insurgency -- since Turkey didn’t want to be directly accountable for being the transfer-agent of said arms and support. (even though Turkey is very deeply involved in the anti-Assad program, they want plausible deniability)

Why do you think 0bozo kisses the ring of the King of Saud? Because the Saudis are the bearers of the OPEC/$USD banner. In essence, the Saudi royalty protect US economic hegemony, in exchange for the US military protection of their otherwise weak and vulnerable kingdom.

Just another case of tyrants, protecting tyrants, because of their mutual interest in keeping their populations enslaved, and their assets secure.


Tom Angle
8 years ago
Reply to  LT

I cannot wait for your response about the article “GOP Benghazi Report Faults Military Response”.