If you are shocked and bewildered that totalitarian tyranny creeps through our country without opposition, the reason is simple: there is no official opposition. The capture of government looks nearly complete by a party that lusts to punish its citizens for the pleasure of watching them suffer, while it steals everything they’ve worked for and forecloses their future. At least half the country objects to this. Where is a party that stands for them?
In the natural order of the American system, a Republican Party would have stepped up to check the wretched excesses of a Democratic Party bent on breaking everything that has allowed people to thrive in this land: property law, economic liberty, free speech, now even your physical health. This Labor Day Monday is the last moment in this epic political psychodrama that the Republican Party has an excuse to kick back and do nothing about the parade of insults flung in the nation’s face by persons who believe in nothing, and who will stop at nothing.
These insults lately include especially the perversion of law to harass and hinder political opponents, the prosecution of a foreign war by proxy in a corner of the world where America has no explicable national interest, the deliberate failure to defend the country’s borders against hordes of invaders, the rigging of elections with ballot fraud and hackable machines, the censorship of information of all kinds, and the weaponization of public health authority against the people. These are all campaigns carried out by the Democratic Party.
There is no fixing any of this. It will implode. And all those smart city green billionaires better run for the hills. Their dependence on AI tech will not matter to middle class American citizens.
Where are all the preachers hiding out? They failed the nation!
The Black Robe regiment no longer exists. The seminaries have gone woke!
Except Pastor Chuck Baldwin.
Yes, except Pastor Chuck. I respect him.
His sermons are riveting.
Good question, Jane. I think they’re all stuck in the mud at the “Burning Man” festival -- their eventual future I suppose.
Of course, why didn’t I think of that!
This is like a slow motion train wreck. It has so much inertia you can’t stop it. All you can do is get the hell out of the way and try to pick up the pieces in the aftermath. The America we grew up in is gone and it’s never coming back. Civil war is coming, some can argue that it’s already here. It is imperative that we win it at all costs. Losing is not an option. If we lose we will all die as slaves!
Will everything come to a kinetic showdown? Yes, somehow, someway. Can America ever be salvaged from the aftermath? NO!!!! Emphatic NO!!!! We will eventually be forced to fight from wherever we stand. I can give you a hundred reasons why we cannot prevail. This is not a defeatist attitude. I’ve been ready for years; but I have also analyzed the end results of any conflict. We lose plain and simple. America is done, history, kaput. Call me what you will; but think reality.
Yes America is over and although balkanization is necessary, it is something that will very much be initialized ‘on the cheap’ meaning it’s only going to be in motion because the people failed to be a self-regulating country (lack of civics instruction, failure to properly educate, the idea and application of work became tarnished in that it did not allow people to support themselves and the people were merely ruled over, passive, and effectively completely unable to govern their own domestic and national affairs), in that there has been no revolution preceding it, or no real upheaval or sustained fight against the system, but rather as an escapism pointing out the real issues that primarily have to do with allowing a standing army (comprised of three letter agencies, police forces, educational institutions, the technocracy, medical and scientific dictatorship, the workplace, religious and artistic expressions as an extension of big business). The point being that in theory an informed populace should have began balkanization decades ago. The waiting has only increased volatility (related to AI, more sophisticated weaponry available to adversarial governmental forces and increased geopolitical and domestic tensions).
A new record for a run on sentence.
The only Parties to fix this is the 5.56 Party and the 7.62 Party.
Just sayin….
I do not expect the nation to be saved by the Republican Party or, for that matter, any political party. With a few commendable exceptions, the majority of the Republicans in the House and Senate work for the same organized criminal elite that the Democrats do.
Pat Buchanan was right about the Democrats and Republicans. They truly are “two wings of the same bird of prey.” Together, they constitute the Party of the Elite..
And, as the whole world knows by now, there is just one thing that will ever remove the reins of power from America’s criminal elite, and that is pure and overwhelming FORCE -- from somewhere.
And that my friends is the current situation in its simplicity.
Where does it say that the Republican Party isn’t in league with Satan like the entire Federal Government is? Why place any hope or expectations on this corrupt, evil and impotent party that has been that way since time out of mind? Why does anybody expect anything decent or moral out of them at this late date? They are nothing but controlled opposition within Satan’s kindom of darkness aka the US Government. Wake up everybody… Trump is a deception and will not save anybody or anything.
The government is controlled by Satan.
Yes, it is. And that is just the plain truth. Rulers, do you hear the people? You are owned by Satan and, to your everlasting shame and disgrace, we know it!
Since the article did not reference Trump as a solution, your bias is showing. Please keep comments relevant to the content of the article.