David with respect, do you REALLY think Biden even knows what DAY it is?
Why be distracted by the puppet in the right hand of the deep state (mostly Obummer appointees I suspect) while they knife you in the back with the hidden hand?
Honestly given their history the folks we see openly are minor players, we barely know a few of the middle managers and WEF and such are almost completely hidden.
Protect your trusted family and trusted friends. I say trusted because betrayal by those close to you is the worst.
Yes, many democrats know this but them being democrat and what they believe in many will enter the voting booths this year despite what they say and vote for Biden or whom ever the next commie criminal gangster will be. They can’t help themselves and they are all pre programmed and they cannot change. There party is a satanic cult with the majority of them being cult members. Self hating White liberal trash and dumbed down low iq plantation negroes and commie Asians will enter into the voting booths this year and mark the ballot for Biden or what’s commie Marxist they install before Election Day. You see they cannot help themselves they are basically all programmed as robots to do this, there is no logic to there in there thinking, as a dog returns to his vomit so does the democrat voter as well.
The problem with removal is the corrupt POS Politicians just take a lateral move to Lobbyist making ultra millions without any oversight, become Board Members or appointed CEO’s of Pharma, Military or Black Projects still influencing in the Stinking Swamp. We must change future laws that any former politician cant Lobby for 25-30 years after removal of office(hopefully by then they’re dead).
Future changes must remove campaign funding. Remember these ads: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz_V4lRdtjo
Nothing like “LETTING” the other side “WIN” and let THEM be the FALL GUY for the Chaos.
1 year ago
What meaning does a flag have in a Tower of Babel?”
“ What does it mean to have a flag and a national anthem when there is no nation? What is the meaning of “national defense” when anyone can walk in?”
The Death of Nationality |
Pastor Guest
1 year ago
“…I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;…”
Are not those who are crossing our borders illegally foreign enemies?
Are not those who refuse to enforce our laws and encourage the illegal crossings domestic enemies?
Joe Blow
1 year ago
Winner winner chicken dinner!!!!!!
1 year ago
Attorney Todd Calendar recently filed suits against the O’biden administration for breach of Oath, meaning none of them finished their swearing in which voids their position. This does many things including…if they had sworn in completing the process and found guilty of subversion/treason/conspiracy they would be hung, but negating the swearing in of office makes them all “actors” which could have a maximum 25-year prison sentence. We need to bring this forward wherever possible. Everything is Fake…they are Actors of the WEF!
Everyone keeps focusing on biden. Has anyone given any thought that what we are seeing is double to keep us focused on the lies and the stolen election? For all we know, the real biden could be sitting in a room rocking back and forth with a teddy bear in his hands or worse. I see biden as a tool for the puppet masters.
My concern is, when will the people stand up & say enough to this criminal activity? The fat lady is getting ready to sing & people are still doing nah, nah, hah.
The “donations’ to Congress are common knowledge for decades. In the hundreds of millions yearly. Former 30 year CEO Tom Donahue has stated this openly. The Ceausescu treatment is applicable here. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
I love you man, but there are no rules. You can’t
resist by complying with their rules or laws.
Diva of Dance
1 year ago
I agree. I suspect we’d be farther down this road of self-destruction had Hillary gotten in the WH. Now with Biden their plan of global dictatorship can quickly move forward and catch up to the worldwide agenda. We must hold tight to our Constitution and insist on living under its protection. Secure all borders and ports of entry and then be prepared to spend a decade cleaning house. Metaphor: For the past 10+ years you’ve left your front door wide open and slowly people have made themselves at home. At first only 1 or 2, now there are 5 people that you know of being supported by you. One has your recliner and is holding the remote control to your big screen tv and another holds the keys to your truck. What are the chances you can kick them all out within 24 hours? And what of those you don’t know about that are hiding in your basement, attic, garage, etc.
1 year ago
But that did not happen on January 2020. I’m afraid that something more life threatening will have to happen to cause the people to act.
1 year ago
“The solution to stopping illegal immigration is to stop an illegal pResident.”
And by extension, his illegally appointed department heads and, therefore, his entire administration
Amen to that!
David with respect, do you REALLY think Biden even knows what DAY it is?
Why be distracted by the puppet in the right hand of the deep state (mostly Obummer appointees I suspect) while they knife you in the back with the hidden hand?
Honestly given their history the folks we see openly are minor players, we barely know a few of the middle managers and WEF and such are almost completely hidden.
Protect your trusted family and trusted friends. I say trusted because betrayal by those close to you is the worst.
I don’t care about Biden. The key to winning this war is to expose stolen elections, a Deep State coup and the propaganda to cover it up.
Ephesians 5:15
See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.
Jane your best post ever!
Empires collapses are nothing new. Bible speaks of them.
Problem is that they never collapse polity but in flames and violence.
Protect your trusted friends and trusted family.
Protect your trusted friends and trusted family.
Might even find that that’s biblical 🙂
Thanks for the support.
David, last week’s CNN poll showed that even Democrats know the election was soiled.
My “Riding with Biden ” neighbors ADMIT the election was faked.
Their almost as pissed as I am about the distruction of Boarder.
Wow less than 10 minutes and the first Facebook down arrows.
What is the problem coward? Not sure enough to actually make a comment?
And these are going to be in the trenches fighting for liberty?
Maybe we are screwed.
Prove my point MOAR fake book down arrows please. Coward
Yes, many democrats know this but them being democrat and what they believe in many will enter the voting booths this year despite what they say and vote for Biden or whom ever the next commie criminal gangster will be. They can’t help themselves and they are all pre programmed and they cannot change. There party is a satanic cult with the majority of them being cult members. Self hating White liberal trash and dumbed down low iq plantation negroes and commie Asians will enter into the voting booths this year and mark the ballot for Biden or what’s commie Marxist they install before Election Day. You see they cannot help themselves they are basically all programmed as robots to do this, there is no logic to there in there thinking, as a dog returns to his vomit so does the democrat voter as well.
Phil, I have to trust that not all democrats are mindless robots. Easily misled sheeple Par excellence sorry to say but not QUITE Mindless Robots.
Ignorance can be educated; stupidity is at best managed.
The Commies spend decades dumbing down the education system to create easily controlled sheeple.
I have to have some hope most Americans can be educated again into citizens of a Republic.
You mean like one who isn’t even who he is said to be, that most everyone just goes along pretending he is who he isn’t? Yeah, agree.
I have been saying that for 3 years now, we need to get rid of the illegal regime before any meaningful change can happen.
All of it.
The 3 letter agencies and the entirety of the swamp.
You don’t cure part of the cancer, you cure all of it.
How do you get rid of thousands of corrupt bureaucrats in a presidential administration?
Trump will redo the SES system and fire them.
that is critical that he does the SES in. this is a criminal run agency.
The problem with removal is the corrupt POS Politicians just take a lateral move to Lobbyist making ultra millions without any oversight, become Board Members or appointed CEO’s of Pharma, Military or Black Projects still influencing in the Stinking Swamp. We must change future laws that any former politician cant Lobby for 25-30 years after removal of office(hopefully by then they’re dead).
Future changes must remove campaign funding. Remember these ads: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wz_V4lRdtjo
Thanks for posting the video. Shared it. No lobbying by former politicians is the way to go but honesty is not a trait politicians possess.
Dave, have you seen this? EVIL
Is Biden Poison-Pilling Trump? -- American Thinker
Nothing like “LETTING” the other side “WIN” and let THEM be the FALL GUY for the Chaos.
What meaning does a flag have in a Tower of Babel?”
“ What does it mean to have a flag and a national anthem when there is no nation? What is the meaning of “national defense” when anyone can walk in?”
The Death of Nationality |
“…I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic;…”
Are not those who are crossing our borders illegally foreign enemies?
Are not those who refuse to enforce our laws and encourage the illegal crossings domestic enemies?
Winner winner chicken dinner!!!!!!
Attorney Todd Calendar recently filed suits against the O’biden administration for breach of Oath, meaning none of them finished their swearing in which voids their position. This does many things including…if they had sworn in completing the process and found guilty of subversion/treason/conspiracy they would be hung, but negating the swearing in of office makes them all “actors” which could have a maximum 25-year prison sentence. We need to bring this forward wherever possible. Everything is Fake…they are Actors of the WEF!
I was not aware of this.
Everyone keeps focusing on biden. Has anyone given any thought that what we are seeing is double to keep us focused on the lies and the stolen election? For all we know, the real biden could be sitting in a room rocking back and forth with a teddy bear in his hands or worse. I see biden as a tool for the puppet masters.
My concern is, when will the people stand up & say enough to this criminal activity? The fat lady is getting ready to sing & people are still doing nah, nah, hah.
I’m your huckleberry.
Arrest the current and former CEO’s of the US Chamber of Commerce for bribing Congress to keep the border open. And execute them.
Documentation? Execution without a trial?
The “donations’ to Congress are common knowledge for decades. In the hundreds of millions yearly. Former 30 year CEO Tom Donahue has stated this openly. The Ceausescu treatment is applicable here. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
Shades of Madam Guillotine and the madness of the French Revolution.
If you want to rebuild the Republic, then the rule of Law needs to be honored. Otherwise, we are as lawless as the commies.
If you’re still waiting for the law, then you already lost. Keep going by the rules. Their rules. See how that works out.
I hear your anger. In war there is no rules they say.
To become the very evil your fighting is winning?
Just a thought from an old combat medic.
I love you man, but there are no rules. You can’t
resist by complying with their rules or laws.
I agree. I suspect we’d be farther down this road of self-destruction had Hillary gotten in the WH. Now with Biden their plan of global dictatorship can quickly move forward and catch up to the worldwide agenda. We must hold tight to our Constitution and insist on living under its protection. Secure all borders and ports of entry and then be prepared to spend a decade cleaning house. Metaphor: For the past 10+ years you’ve left your front door wide open and slowly people have made themselves at home. At first only 1 or 2, now there are 5 people that you know of being supported by you. One has your recliner and is holding the remote control to your big screen tv and another holds the keys to your truck. What are the chances you can kick them all out within 24 hours? And what of those you don’t know about that are hiding in your basement, attic, garage, etc.
But that did not happen on January 2020. I’m afraid that something more life threatening will have to happen to cause the people to act.
“The solution to stopping illegal immigration is to stop an illegal pResident.”
And by extension, his illegally appointed department heads and, therefore, his entire administration
Just say no to dog-kings.