Two African American teenage girls ordered an Uber Eats delivery and then shot the driver, 66-year-old Mohammad Anwar, with a taser, and drove off with his car, with him hanging on to it. They ended up flipping the car on its side, in front of a gaggle of National Guardsmen, throwing Anwar to the pavement. As Anwar lay dying on the sidewalk, with no one attempting to comfort him or otherwise attend to him, one of the girls complained to a National Guardsman that she left her phone in the car she had just attempted to steal.
Meanwhile, Kyle Rittenhouse, the 17-year-old who shot three Antifa/BLM convicted felons in self-defense last fall, faces murder charges as an adult. Anarcho-Tyranny again.
What happens when the second class citizens (known as the working class) realize that they are little more than slaves with no rights? The same thing as when they realized the election was fraudulent, child sex trafficking is sanctioned by the government and that the pandemic was planned in order to force everyone to get a “vaccine”.
David DeGerolamo
The words “bullets” and “brains” in combination, properly applied, come to mind for these two.
These 2 feral animals don’t have 1 brain between them.
Never trust the justice system, they always favor the bad guys. Lawyers are crooks.
David, I’m growing more and more convinced by the day that nothing is going to happen in the way of “pushback” to the status quo. Between those still walking around with masks and those willing to be jabbed by an experimental drug being called a vaccine (many of my conservative church friends too). Hardly anyone questions the logic and walking around sense to all of this. It is heartbreaking and sickening.
There are so many reasons for the behavior of the two young women and the railroading of Kyle Rittenhouse that to give even one reason diminishes the importance of them all. We are a disaster as a culture and it is not getting better. I can’t imagine where we, as a nation or as individuals, will be in five years. My grandchildren are facing futures that are incomprehensible because there is no order to even suggest solutions to their problems. Will we rise up to set this right? Who knows! and that is where we are. Neck-deep in molasses with fire ants on the way. Too old to get in an uproar, but not dead either.