Pastor Matt Trewhella In Tennesee

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2 years ago

Love Matt

2 years ago


2 years ago

Since when did logic, truth and reason emanate from an American pulpit? Where is the effeminate and Barney-esque “I love you, you love me” message? Who is going to assuage the jagged consciences of the apostate and disobedient? Who is going to implore the congregates to scrape and bow before The Government? This guy is totally oblivious to the feel-good, name-it-and-claim-it, prosperity gospel. I bet he doesn’t even have any private jets, nor a fleet of cadillacs, neither vacation homes around the globe. I sure do bet he does not. He’ll never be a US senator, that’s for sure.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

Understand what you are saying. Yet He is not in a “church” giving a Bible sermon in that respect. i enjoy listening to Truth come out of anyone who is able to speak it. With discernment from above. i do wish pastors etc. would speak up in services more about what is taking place both inside and outside their doors, and incorporate this into their sermons.
The Bible itself, all of it is a Love story. There is nothing wrong with the correct message of Love.
Lawlessness is not Love. we agree. A world without consequences is not love.
The New age church has been very much the false church all along through the ages. The go along to get along attitude is not what Messiah taught nor instructed.
The live and let live attitude keeping our mouths shut is partially what has helped this evil make its way in to all aspects of our lives.
The small stuff we used to not think mattered? This has built up and gained momentum.
Remember that saying fences make good neighbors? we were wrong.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

The last Three minutes of His address is exactly what the world needs to accept, this also includes those who think they are His people, or wish to be included as His people. Jeremiah and many other watchman warned for years, this does not mean the people (the masses) heard nor accepted the many warnings.
Lamentations reads like a message for us today.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

One in a billion, great sermon.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Hey, thats just down the road from me!

2 years ago

It doesn’t seem that there’s any more time geopolitically, or with regards to the prophetic timeline of things to carry out this revolutionizing of the lesser magistrates, and in a manner of speaking it almost seems like being able to reclaim it without a fight wouldn’t garner the respect needed to keep and maintain it. Rather like the way people think they’ll be raptured out without having to ‘fight’ (which may mean enduring hardships, and extremely so, or warfare on this soul and all of its ramifications, for instance). As pertains to the medical industry, based on what can be observed from this ongoing Covid-19 ordeal, past and other medical/legal incidents, as well as forecasted medical news, they attract many killers, and order takers and followers, which in the varied medical capacities it functions in, equates to the same thing. It’s amazing that there is still so much interest and focus on reforms, when it seems the whole thing should be collapsed and replaced with holistic health care.

2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La


a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

Here is the thing collapse is what evil wants and needs. Collapse is what many of the so called good guys are also promoting. Seems more likely these two entities are much the same.

2 years ago

America has already fallen, the finality of its collapse is not yet clear, or perhaps it is. Some people view collapse as a legitimate opportunity for a reset on a number of fronts. Looking at the advantages that come in an adversarial situation is strategic for military minds and civilians alike for instance. Numerous military exercises have been conducted, with this consideration as the pretext. Multiple countries study and plan for such a scenario. In fact, they have plans for repopulation of this continental territory. Simply because they’re strategizing based on weaknesses here, merely implies that they are apt and aware of how they may use such circumstances to the benefit of their country. How many countries have the U.S. collapsed? There are many contextual frameworks in which the final stage of collapse could manifest here. Further, it seems any real interest in preventing a collapse would have happened decades ago, as it would have necessarily had to have been addressed some time ago.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Also: Some of you will not like this.
Did you hear Matt talking about involvement at the local level? This does include running for office and voting does it not?
He does not strike me as the gun is the only answer type of guy. why is this? Am i wrong?
This is an endurance race, stop seeking the quick fix. The quick fix is not the only way to go, and is not always the correct way to go.
Good day.

Last edited 2 years ago by a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

Much of what he advocates for politically (with regard to more of the direct action oriented activism, rather than voting and the like) is workable, effective and needed. However at this juncture, the time it would take to reclaim all of the institutions; education, workplace, economics, and what actually defines a medical industry, the teaching of practical life skill-sets and other things needed for a robust domestic realm, religion to function as a change agent, a mover and shaker, rather than a stale entity that props up the antithesis of forward momentum, as relates to commerce (it ultimately puts secret societies in charge) and with regards to the directionality of the social strata, thereby effectively rendering the afore-mentioned opposition to the entrenched systems of operation as but one tool among many that will be needed to steer things differently. There is not only one strategy needed, or that will be workable. Withdrawing money, consent and labor is another means, for instance. Separation, such as with balkanization. Refusal to participate in circular political structures (that always lead to the same place), and other such examples. There are many approaches to the changing the balance of power, but they all lead to collapse of the current system, do they not?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

“There are many approaches to the changing the balance of power, but they all lead to collapse of the current system, do they not?”
Mankind ‘alone’ seems to be on a collision course. Does not mean
we need to board the train to expedite it.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago
Reply to  Z-La

If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction.” -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer.

2 years ago

What do you propose is the “wrong train”? I was recently listening to a podcast in which the guest said this democracy will lead to subversives (people will have to fight their way out of it), because of diminished rights. What about a draft for instance? Should this be resisted, and there will likely and perhaps soon, be another coerced vaccine. In fact, all of them are probably dangerous (maybe having mRNA snuck into them). Some people are against all vaccines. Why should they be forced to violate their health choices, which may have a medical basis in declining them for instance?

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
2 years ago

For the entire Torah is completed in one word, in this,
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
So do we understand this? Have we lived this? Have we tried? Do we see that this does fulfill His commands?

2 years ago

To a degree, it seems for this to be more fully realized there needs to be a part and a counterpart. To explain, currently, and has been the case for decades and decades, only one side builds culture (establishes the precepts, etc.). In positing an example of how a dilemma in this regard might present itself in the current political climate is: the preachers telling the congregants that “it’s the loving thing to do to get the Covid-19 vaccine, wear a medical mask, and distance six feet from each other”. Many, if not most acquiesce, however others believe the vaccines are the mark of the beast, dangerous, and that masking up is unhealthy, and social distancing also being a practice not backed up by science. To resist, withhold tithes for instance, protest and agitate for the non-attendance or even closure of such churches rather than perpetuate vaccine tyranny is just as lawful of a choice, and a loving behavior from the perspective of others, as say, agreeing with the protocol. However, at some juncture something has to give. Hence, the deficit of the counterpart (which was not positioned for civic dominance, and therefore very much their problem brought on in a failed collective sense), when all or most laws are stacked against it as well as the social consensus, which is at odds with the purported form of government from a technical perspective although not necessarily practiced, and in thereby limiting the rights of a group (the outgroup). Clearly, this is exponential with regards to many other types of issues, and why there’s friction ahead.