Americans, We Have A Problem! It Is Time To Confront This Evil We Are Faced With!

How’s everybody feeling this morning now that the whole world realizes we are a Banana Republic?

There should be blood by now. Nothing….

These commies know just what levers to touch and which ones to leave alone (for the time being) to continue to lull is to our destruction.

Republicans say that if they win the Congress come November they promise the “toughest” investigation of the DOJ that will do absolutely squat except continue to keep the people complacent while they further destroy our Liberty!

How much longer are we going to continue falling for this garbage?

While I’m no fan of Trump, what happened last night is disturbing to say the least. To raid a former Presidents home using corrupt government agencies should wake this whole country up. It doesn’t surprise me at all, it was to be expected. These communist who have stolen our country will wield whatever power they have to bring their enemies to kneel.

Trump had his opportunity. His capitulating to the swamp rather than fighting them tooth and nail has returned to bite him in the ass. I wonder if he still thinks “take the guns first, due process later” was such a wise statement. I wonder how he feels about being the “father of the Vax”?  Perhaps they are going to arrest him and hold him with the January 6thers that he left rot. Wonder how that’ll go?

Maybe Trump is just playing his part so the FBI can lure more “Patriots” out and arrest and disappear them. I so wanted to trust Trump in the early days, I just couldn’t and still don’t. Sure Trump did some good. He also allowed a lot of bad. Unacceptable.

Trump had his chance to lead. Who would come to his call for help now? After Jan 6th, and the way he blew his opportunity there, nope, not going to happen. Trump still has a death grip on our side and I just wish he would fade away. Trump keeps holding packed self-worship rallies where he makes excuses and grander promises. As long as people on Our Side keep answering his booty call, there is NO hope and only more certain destruction to come. It doesn’t matter who our side puts up for voting, VOTING IS USELESS!!!

Have you done your homework in your local AO? Perhaps it’s time. We can’t continue to wait for someone to come and save us.

I’ve suffered under this evil government about as long as I care to. Everyone needs to realize the future is all in our hands, not these evil people in our so called government. Evil must be confronted and held accountable. It’s time we do what needs doing. Quit looking for Trump to do it for you. Only We the People can save us from this evil.


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2 years ago

Hey Wes,
You keep calling for blood, but I damn sure don’t see you pulling the trigger.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

Wes is NOT calling for it……..just making a point as to ‘how did We the People’ let it get this far!
We the People should have taken a stand against this a long time ago, in mass!

2 years ago
Reply to  LtJ

First we did not see it coming. That is the way evil works, evil takes baby steps. The same way Lucifer attacks Christianity, satan chips away piece by piece until you finally realize what happend.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

If it was being done correctly, nobody would see Wes or any of us “pulling the trigger”.

There will be no glory, valor or discussion.


tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Tom

How do you know what Wes is doing? Even if he is not pulling the trigger, he is putting his life and livelihood on the line. And what are you doing? A lot of jobs opening up at the irs, go for it.

2 years ago

What the FBI did last night is no different than Nazi SS acting on political vendetta to ‘get Trump’ and try and interfere with the mid-term elections

JARHEAD Mike-Foxtrot
JARHEAD Mike-Foxtrot
2 years ago

These are Communists, NOT National (Nazi) Socialists. Nationalism is the ENEMY of The Marxist Internationale’

2 years ago

socialism is just a step under communism. This country system was designed to have checks and balances in political power.

Last edited 2 years ago by kevsh
Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  kevsh

Most people don’t know that Adolf was Red Arm Band wearing commie who almost got executed. He repackaged his Communism to Socialism.

And in case anyone didn’t know, Communists can be Nationalists too.

WTF is wrong with you people.

2 years ago

How do we do it besides exposing the evil. When is enough enough? If our votes don’t count what else can we do to stop them? There are more of us than them and they know it. What they did to Trump was a warning to us of what they will/can do.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Tam

They will not need the FBI, they have 87,000 IRS additional goons to get we the people.

Duke T
Duke T
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

That’s it right there! I’m betting IRS will get access to voting records and there begins the audit selection. They did warn the world after the stolen election that half the country needs to be rounded up for re-education, much like what people had to do with all the nazis after WWII.
And I’m sure we all already aware of the reasoning behind IRS buying up like 700 million rounds of ammo recently.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Duke T

You bet Duke T.

Big Jymn
Big Jymn
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Those 87;000 will be running the system that will be monitoring every bank account and credit card in America; until the Digital Currency comes on line; then they will be running that operation. The same system Zuckerberg provided to China.

2 years ago

“Aim small, miss small” Mel Gibson in the Patriot.

Southern Dan
Southern Dan
2 years ago

I saw the problem many years ago. Before I retired, I worked in close proximity to many other workers. While we worked we would talk about all sorts of subjects. But I never could get a meaningful conversation started on the demise of the country. I would begin talking about all the problems politically and then the conversation would turn to “Carolina basketball” or “Alabama Football.” Then the conversation would turn to Nascar. I can see the draw of all these sports but not when the country is going to hell in a handbasket! I have never understood why Southerners and Americans alike could care less about the fate we are headed for. It is high time for patriots to switch the tv off and spend time teaching our children and grandchildren. It is high time that we once again honor the Lord’s Day without any distractions which spews forth from the tv. “No son.” “We are not going to watch the race or any football.” You and I are going for a walk and talk. “No son.” “We are not going to see the new tom cruise movie because it will support hollywood who is draining our culture of any morality.” Wouldn’t it be great if our children could quote many passages from the Bible, and be able to talk about the Bill of Rights. Too many fathers are concerned about their team being in the super bowl or their car winning the race.

Duke T
Duke T
2 years ago
Reply to  Southern Dan

Agreed. This issue still got to be my top frustration. Being around red blooded American patriots who I assumed would be more than willing to get involve… are NOT. I find people live under the assumption that freedom is their birthright, so all they seem to care about is keeping their American way of life (Nascar, Football, Movies, Cars, Houses, Vacations etc. etc).
I guess most folks understand in order to keep their way of life they need to shut their mouths and conform to certain degrees, but doing so, equates to cowardice. So most will not hear it or discuss it, and some even attack those bringing up the biblical times we’re living in. I supposed in the end, these folks can tell themselves they just didn’t know, therefore not guilty? Whatever it is, it’s discouraging… I imagine to be like time traveling back to 1930’s Europe trying to warn the Jews of what’s coming and the result is exactly the same.

2 years ago
Reply to  Southern Dan

I agree. Yesterday, my daughter and I discussed the Jeanette McCurdy case. Hollywood is very evil.

ron martin
ron martin
2 years ago

All that you say is true Wes. I told my wife this morning that the majority will be outraged by the raid on Trump’s home but that I have been misled so often in my 79 years that I would withhold my judgement and see how this all plays out. Americans are a knee-jerk, shallow-thinking, fire-in-the-theater bunch of robots and I refuse to be one of them. Other than my wife of 47 years I keep my thoughts internal. Same is true of MLK. Half of the streets in the US are named MLK and he is worshipped by both left and right. To speak otherwise is akin to blasphemy. Trump, MLK, Q anon & so many other icons have converted us into lemmings and most will not see their errors until they are between the cliff and the rocky shore below

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

A lot of my rage is directed at the Republicans. This couldn’t have happened if the Republicans didn’t send the message that they wouldn’t stand in the way. The Republican leadership wants Trump out of the way. This is on Mitch Mcconnell. No public statement from Mitch Mcconnell?

Elder Son
Elder Son
2 years ago
Reply to  Citizen Joe

A lot of my rage is directed at the Republicans.


The republicans are the deliberate little bloviating respites on the road to democrat hell.

But don’t worry your little head off. When the Red Wave happens in November… they’ll have hearings! Distractions! Hearings! Whatever.

And BTW, that quote by Aleksandr is the condition of man, not a suggestion.

Man would rather get on the Train and suffer a long slow death of… hope.

J Gibss, PhD
J Gibss, PhD
2 years ago

I think it is time to fight. In this endeavor, many of us may die, but at least we die on our terms and fighting for freedom and truth. Otherwise, we are mere men destined to be slaves of the tyrants…and fear itself.

2 years ago

We are the useless eaters not President Trump, they are coming for “We The People…The Storm Is Here…Good luck!!! Signing out…we’ll talk at the finish line!!!

Wiley Phipps
Wiley Phipps
2 years ago

The challenge is not to arrest and remove the bad guys… That has always been the easy part. The real challenge is to wake up God’s people and the normies to our governmental slavery. Last night raid on Mar- A -Largo played a big part in the wake-up.
It has always been a battle of good verses evil. It has always been a phycological war. Winning the heart and soul of “We The People” can save many lives. Things will get much worse before they get better… The Scare Event is coming for the final wakeup… The scare event will be followed by the 24 hour God Event.
Wes… I agree that we must be bold and rebel against their tyranny… but we must also have a smart battle plan that includes the reawakening.. We need people like you that have No Fear…but remember… Faith Over Fear. We will all see supernatural Acts of God.

Dont talk to a demoncrap
Dont talk to a demoncrap
2 years ago

I read Only 2
Paragraphs to find out that you are leftest nut Trump hater.
Go cry when your communist leftest trash comes for you. And t h ey will.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

Probable just got hired by the IRS.

Luana Phillips
Luana Phillips
2 years ago

Once you cross that line there’s no going back.

riv city
riv city
2 years ago

Agree completely.

Big Jymn
Big Jymn
2 years ago

I’m sure glad I don’t live in NYC, or near the Denver Airport. I have a strange feeling that those two nukes that Obama “lost”; are fixing to come out of hiding.

2 years ago

The FBI has no Lawful Constitutional Standing whatsoever and operates under Color of Law. Their “Deprivation of Rights under Color of Law” and “Conspiracy against Rights” -- Title 18 USC ~241 and 242, are FELONIES with 1 and 10 years prison sentences, and the Death Sentence if they cause death, which they have in many accounts.
The real problem is that “U.S. citizens” are under their Jurisdiction. Those who are “U.S. citizens” think they are the People, and that they have Constitutional Guarantees and Rights, but they DO NOT. They think that they can bring the Constitution into the Court Room but they are not party to it, as they have been allowed to believe they are, all their lives.
Only “STATE NATIONALS” and “State Citizens” possess those Constitutional Guarantees/Rights, and ARE the “We the People” that the Constitution speaks of. “U.S. citizens” are SUBJECTS under the British Crown, and are NOT the “People”. If you are a “U.S. citizen” and you do not know this, you must ask yourself WHY and HOW this FRAUD was placed upon you, unknowingly, which is EXACTLY what has been done, to ALL Americans since the Civil War and the subsequent TREASONS by this British Territorial Govt. that resides in D.C., that calls itself (t)he United States.
It is time this BRITISH/PAPAL USURPATION (both) in D.C. were charged for the crimes they have committed against the American people, assuming the identity of our Govt. and exceeding their CONTRACTS, i.e., Constitutions that are suppose to restrain them. They have USURPED their Enumerated Powers agreed upon, thousands of times over, and have therefore rendered themselves CRIMINAL and NULL AND VOID. They no longer possess Standing within the Contract of the Constitution, and must now be REMOVED BY FORCE, if necessary. They are not our Govt., plain and simple They are nothing more than a CRIMINAL FRAUD concocted by the British/Vatican banker cabal. They have done this same scam all over the world.
If you are a “U.S. citizen” you are under their Jurisdiction. State Nationals are not under their Jurisdiction. You must change your “Political Status” from A U.S. Citizen/British-Papal Subject, to a State National, to regain your standing as one of the People, having Constitutional Guarantees. Or simply remain one of their Subjects, which will soon have everything they own confiscated by their British/Papal masters/Owners. You think you got 2nd Amendment Rights? lol You have been ALLOWED to think you do, and since they control the School System you were never informed or taught about all this. You are their slave and you never knew it, thinking you were free as an American. WRONG. That should really piss you off.

Last edited 2 years ago by SwiftJustice
2 years ago

If the cops and sheriffs were on your side they would have immediately surrounded the FIB and Feral agents to protect one of its own on State-owned land.

2 years ago

“Regret becomes a fire that burns deep and forever consumes.”
“It’s time for Men and Women of God to stop avoiding the obvious…and being afraid to “offend” the weak minded…It’s time for Men and Women of God to stand for Truth and Righteousness…just as our founders did! It’s time the Passion for what’s right, and the rule of law to come into view on the plane of Truth and Reason !”