Paul Singer: The “Trapped, Harmful” Fed “Revels In The Role Of Atlas, Holding Up The World”

Singer discusses about what is fundamentally at flaw – the current unsustainable monetary system – which itself is broken courtesy of what is now rampant, runaway currency debasement. The reason for the is that as a result of the terminal breakage of fiat’s links with hard assets following Nixon’s shuttering of the gold-dollar convertibility, “and after that it fell to central bankers, to the Fed, to maintain the demeanor, the policies, the words to give an impression of sobriety. And in the absence of any discipline in the numbers, because there is no discipline in the printing of the USD, that impression of sobriety is all that is standing between the holders of dollars and long-term holders of claims in dollars or any currency, and the oblivion of the purchasing power of their wealth.”


h/t Bob L

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