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- Magrit on Expose All of Them
- Bad_Brad on Go Ahead Canada, Make Our Day
- Bad_Brad on Expose All of Them
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- Richard on Elon Musk
Does this woman even know what truth means?
Nancy’s mother missed her abortive chance to spare this country a great curse.
And what will be the result of this court decision? Those states that make abortion illegal will be blessed by God. Those states that retain the so-called legal right to abortion will be cursed by God. God’s will be done.
Pelosi is the supreme satanic spirit that infects this country.
No no, she is but one. They are legion I promise.
Thank you, I know they are legion, Pelosi is just the most public putrid face.
Oh yes, hundreds of thousands of them as dumb as she
Pelosi isn’t dumb she’s Evil. We need to realize that Satan’s minions are not easily duped idiots.
What does Sun Zhu say about underestimating your enemy?
More importantly, what does JESUS say? One of my most favorite of all HIS verses of advice to HIS “kids” is found in Matthew 10:14. It is so time to stand. Be ready! It won’t be long until GOD SAYS, THAT’S IT! I’VE HAD IT!” e-vile is all around us. Push it back and make room for GOD, JESUS and THE HOLY SPIRIT. THEY ARE READY. Are we? GOD BLESS AND PROTECT each and all of you (of us) as we do stand in these days. See you all HOME!
Doubt it. If you know her name and see her on TV, she is most likely low lying fruit. Nancy this, Nancy that! Meanwhile the masters of mayhem remain in the shadows.
Obama Calls on Shock Troops to Protest Following Supreme Court’s Decision to Overturn Roe v Wade Bidens boss tells his army’s, blm and antifa to take to the streets, if you haven’t already, lock and load.
This is absolute insanity! Why do “they” keep getting away with calls to action and violence, but if “we” whisper something close to actionable we get thrown in jail, fired, harassed demonized and stuff. Let these evil freaks turn it on and it’s way past time we turn it on in response. And I mean flip the switch, not just yell and hold signs. They get in our face, we hit hard. They push and hit, we break bones and make sure they’re broken and bleeding. They get in more violent, we drop bodies. Nothing else is working. Evil people only respond to force, not negotiation. Satan was cast out of heaven, not bargained with.
I am with him👆
I am in 100% agreement, pacifists will always be slaves, great post Dave.
Do you know what I say, let them burn there cities to the ground as well the planned parenthood meat butcher stores, these freaks are so dumb they will burn there own clinics to the ground, who cares anyway let tj all murder themselves . And as there rampaging I pray they don’t forget to burn down all federal buildings as well like they did in Portland and Washington state.
Amen. Having dispatch a few bullies back in the day, it wasn’t by acquiescence or bargaining. Always hit harder than you’ve been hit.
Maybe it is time for the People to put down this planned insurrection.
I think that time is fast approaching Thomas.
This too shall pass away, thankfully. Hopefully more will learn their lesson promptly less the lesson continues until enough people yell enough.
Under her direction there will NEVER be another bipartisan congress, they will all have to be Communist. She will ensure there is never another even somewhat fair vote ever again. She will tell any amount of lies to ensure the. The most worthy person ever of having their citizenship revoked.
AOC Calls for People to Get “Into the Streets” Over SCOTUS Abortion Ruling This demon is all in on the satanic agenda.
This Dufus will need directions to find the street!
She is quite an idiot, probable in the 30 to 40 IQ range.
She’s definitely in good company in DC.
you sir, are far too kind, I thinkin’ somewhere in the single digit zone.
Yea I probable overshot her IQ.
Hip hip hooray! I am thrilled with Supreme Court recent decisions this week. Let’s keep moving ahead. This is a great day for our nation. I am also thrilled about Proud Boys interrupting a drag queen reading at a Wilmington library.
They are losing ground, that is why the Supremes nixed Roe vs Wade to kick off the lefts violence.
Did not think of this! Thx!
Tom, I was thinking the same thing. Intentional decision to push us closer to CW2
Yea they are not that smart, just committed.
I think we won’t have to wait much longer.
There is no American Right to murder. But there is an American Right to round up and deal with Traitors. Foreign and Demonic.
This could be the start of something big.
it will be!
Nice pun, Joan!
Agree with you and r e a d y!
That’s only one item on the ballot in November Nancy.
I’m much more interested in what the Democrats are doing to undo our rights and American traditions and ways. I also want Nancy to define “woman” so it’s on the record. Her newest Judge can’t define woman so could she possibly not recluse herself in any further discussions.
Nancy looks very stressed. You don’t see her this way often. The public drunk husband, the articles about all their million dollar properties as well as the Democrat party falling apart are wearing on her which is good. She hissed McConnell’s name. She hates him
And lastly, did everyone see how big and long Nancy’s earlobes are? She’s got a flying elephant cousin!!!
The Marxist communist speaks idioacracy
Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto (American-Style) The government uses their Marxist troops antifa and blm to instill fear.
Baby murdering witch.
Hey Nutsy, think you got that backwards… they are starting to take us back to where we are supposed to be, dip-wad.
so, starting tonite, do not go outside without being openly armed, the dems will be calling anti-fart and bullshit, liars and morons out in force to loot and burn. That’s why SCOTUS gave us back the open carry, so we could be ready for the ignited they just dropped. God and safety be with the judges.