Pennsylvania Back in Play

Real Clear Politics removed Pennsylvania from the Biden electoral college count. Biden is now back to 259 votes. I can hear Sandra Smith and Neil Cavuto already screaming at Fox News. The attempt to steal the 2020 election has been exposed and it appears that evil will not win this day.

This day we fight by all that we hold dear.

David DeGerolamo

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Truth-in Tension
Truth-in Tension
4 years ago

The popular election counts was a fraud and Fox News is nothing more then a NWO propaganda company. Fox News never really had a pro America conservative perspective, they just pretended that they did. Now everyone knows what For News is a fraud as well. The old corporate / international socialist media is destroying itself.

Thomas Hanna
Thomas Hanna
4 years ago

The city of brotherly love? Like Cain had for Abel? It truly is the essence of the good/evil fight. Again, the first prophesy in the Bible is Gen 3:15. Actual factual conflict, actual factual combatants, spiritualize this away at our own peril.

4 years ago

Fox News joined the corporate propaganda machine for me. RIP Fox.

4 years ago

Time will tell if evil looses. I personally will wait until the fat lady sings. Until then I shall continue to do what I can to persuade the Attorney General & courts to do their jobs. Last but not least I still support our President Trump. He may not have polish but he is not afraid to piss them off.

4 years ago

Thank you David for posting that clip. It always stirs in me an emotion that I cannot even explain.

Know this… we will fight for what is right, and all we hold dear. If we must fight, then know that it will be for our wives and our children, and our grandchildren, and we fight for our freedom and the freedom of all good people. In addition, I will fight for President Trump, who has never stopped fighting for us. And most of all, we fight for God.

There are more of us than our enemies can possibly imagine, and they know not what they have awakened.

Having said that, I will, even against all odds, even if alone if I have to, fight for what is right and good in this world. I know that this life is temporary, but I will NOT go to my eternal life without having done absolutely everything possible to defend all that has been defended for me, by those that came before me. Anything less is just a wasted life. God gave me the gift of life. My gift to Him is what I will do with it.