Pentagon: China Restructures for War

Xi Jinping / AP

China’s military underwent a major restructuring last year in a bid to prepare its military for conflict, the Pentagon said in its latest annual assessment of the Communist Party-controlled People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

The armed forces were reformed with new military regions, a new command structure, and updated strategies to better fight regional, high technology warfare, the 145-page report to Congress says.

“These reforms aim to strengthen the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) control over the military, enhance the PLA’s ability to conduct joint operations, and improve its ability to fight short-duration, high-intensity regional conflicts at greater distances from the Chinese mainland,” the report said.

Abraham Denmark, deputy assistant defense secretary for East Asia, told reporters the military reforms “are intended to enhance the PLA’s ability to conduct joint operations by replacing the old military regions with new geographic commands.”

“Our approach focuses on reducing risk, expanding common ground, and maintaining our military superiority,” Denmark said.

As part of its military strategy, China continued to expand its building of new islands in the South China Sea where military forces can be used to control the strategic waterway linking the Indian and Pacific Oceans.


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Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

Well someone needs to tell Congress, the pResident, the Fed, the world bank, the IMF etc. etc. because they all are more than happy to transfer trillions of dollars in wealth and hundreds of thousands of jobs over there. Not to mention condemning and fighting Trump tooth and nail over trying to at least curb it.

More likely another boogeyman to justify more government spending, more overseas adventures, more taxes, and more government restriction on liberty.

8 years ago
Chinese telecommunications company Huawei recently unveiled its new P9 smartphone, and as a recent Wired headline states, “Huawei just copied the iPhone—down to the last screw.”

Incidents like this aren’t anything new when it comes to Chinese tech companies. Epoch Times noted back in 2014 that Chinese company Xiaomi had built its entire brand around copying Apple, right down to its CEO dressing like Steve Jobs during product events.

The recent development does, however, highlight an important issue. READ THE LINK
This is a free Chinese website that gets the truth out about what is happening in China and its influence in the world.