Perception Is Reality

Perception is reality. Or so I have been told. I believe in the truth and make decisions based on critical thinking instead of social mandates designed to control us. The above example shows how pitiful their tactics have become and how little credit they give the people to discern the truth. Today is a good day to face reality and discard perception based on shifting sand.

David DeGerolamo

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gail jansen
gail jansen
2 years ago

My name is different now, but I am still the woman I was. I was a Second Wave feminist, although I was always loath to be called a feminist…ever. Having said that, I have not been a feminist, womanist or even a slightly interested member of the female gender since the 1980s. These women in these three pictures are counterfeits. When I worked to get credit in women’s names. the ability for women to hold title to real estate in all 50 states, to create the definitions of legal rape so that women could bring charges in courts, to create the first definitions of abuse so that it could be counseled, to get access to swimming pools, athletic fields and scholarships for women where they had never had access before, to broaden work possibilities beyond ballerina, teacher or nurse into medicine, law and corporate power, or to simply be able to earn enough money to support oneself…I did it because American women in the 1970s were seriously neglected by all of our institutional systems. We were being consumed into an economy designed to force women out into the world at large without preparation or legal protection. I quit, walked away right after Indiana voted to ratify the ERA (which I had been sent to orchestrate) because I realized we (the gullible, naive, housewives, NOW, the lesbians and League of Women Voters who had volunteered and paid for the scam from our cookie recipes and doilies) had been set up as front for things to come like same sex bathrooms in the National Parks! Imagine the insulting idiocy of that! Please note, I never worked for abortion, families without fathers, or any form of non-traditional society. The new Supreme Court Justice who can’t even define what or who is a woman, is the epitome of the degradation that has resulted from the feminist tsunami that originated within the American Communist Party (see Bella Dodd autobiography) and has continued to plow through American women’s culture harrowing out anything valuable. There is no integrity here among these women. There is no future at their hands. These are Valkyries of death and I spit on their limelight. I denounce them as heretics of womanhood, hags of deception, and windbags of foul dreams. Woe to their legacies and those that would laud them!

Aime Hart
Aime Hart
2 years ago

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense…..Buddha

enn ess
enn ess
2 years ago

Ya’ll realize I’m sure that by the republitards helping to nominate this simpleton to the Supreme Court the nation has just lost the viability of that court. There were only 2 dependable conservatives to thwart the demise of Constitutional law as viewed by this court, Thomas and Gorsuch (a wee bit iffy). Now you can bet your ass this will stack the deck towards the end of liberties the ferals are by law supposed to uphold. And next time a 2nd amendment argument comes around for the court to decide on, it will lose. Burn the entire shitshow to the ground. I got the Bic, anyone got the tinder?