Person of Interest

Maybe it is a good thing that RFK jr was denied secret service protection by Biden. What sapient person does not believe the secret service was complicit in this assassination attempt?

David DeGerolamo

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3 months ago

The pretorian Roman guard only does was the President tells them to do and the majority of them have been compromised by the demon-craps and Rino-craps. When the Clinton slobs moved into the white house in 1992, they both fashioned it into the doghouse for democrat whores, it was all downhill from that point, and look at where we are today.

3 months ago

I just watched Judge Napolitano, CIA guy Larry Johnson and CIA guy Ray McGovern, accept without verification, the alleged claim by Jonathon Willis that he was denied permission to shoot the sniper. They didn’t even verify that a Jonathon Willis exists. Not good. Very sloppy.

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
3 months ago

Regarding the claim from the counter-sniper above if true… is this guy a robot? He can’t do the right thing when faced with a life-and-death situation when it hits him in the face? He only acts upon orders from above? He has his scope on the assailant--so much so that he can see a man prone, with a rifle and count the thread stitches on the guy’s shirt… and yet he cannot do the right thing? There’s no men left in this country acting as sheep dogs?

3 months ago

It’s called micro management the guy in charge gets HIS way-do it wrong or your way YOU get burned & blamed & fired & made an example of- things go right,you were just doing what you were told to ,GUY in charge made all the decisions gets the pats on the back AND the look at me big shot love

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
3 months ago

Correct. They act on orders only. If that same agent is told to kill your wife as she holds your child. Well I was just following my commandant s orders.

3 months ago
Reply to  Rabbi Will

Ruby Ridge again and again. How very sad…

General 'Buck' Turgidson
General 'Buck' Turgidson
3 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Well--let’s see. The sniper has a close up of the shooter’s face in his scope… he sees the guy has no uniform, he looks like a mutant hillbilly retard with long hair (right out of the movie, “Deliverance”) and thick metal rimmed glasses. He’s got an AD-hoc AR rifle with no scope and iron sights. He dressed in sloppy civilian clothes laying prone with the rifle point DIRECTLY at the stage where President Trump is speaking….
If I were the counter sniper--I’d hold my breath and squeeze the trigger slowly. An easy-peasy head-shot for me.

General 'Buck' from his phone
General 'Buck' from his phone
3 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Yeah I know. And that’s why it’s an inside job.

3 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Hope our military soldiers don’t call it in during a battle. Captain do I hold for 3 min. The just took out our entire squad.

3 months ago

Can’t help but to think that in today’s world there wasn’t real time eyes above watching this all with drone or satellite or both with more than 2 or 3 sets of people watching it -- THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
3 months ago

The entirety of the federal government is compromised. Grok that.
There is no rehabilitation. If you were ‘a good guy’ and still work at any agency, you are complicit for not stopping it. “But my pension” is no excuse to screw over the entire nation of tax payers that pay for it, and the fact you think that way precludes you from ever working as a civil servant again. If you had a brain or a spine, you would have quit years ago. If you’re still there and not sabotaging from the inside, you are the source of the problem we are dealing with and need to pay for your treason.
Burn it all down, fire every one of them. Blackball their resume for life.

3 months ago

A woman on the ground recognized the perp!
On one detailed video one can hear her YELLING AT HIM, “Crooks, what are you doing? Get down from there.”

What were the LEOs doing during this time?

What a shyt-show, LEOs. Were y’all trained in Uvalde, TX?

Elder Son
Elder Son
3 months ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

I’ve listened to that video again and again. I could never make it out.

3 months ago
Reply to  Elder Son

I listened to the audio(s) multiple times and, when the shooter’s name was ID’d as “Crooks,” it all fell into place.
If you knew the perp was “Jonesy” you’d be yelling, “Hey, Jonesy, WTF? What are you doing?” It was that way for me.

3 months ago

These c—ts from D.C. believe themselves above everyone. They answer to their bosses but to no one else.
They are perfect little bots, no conscience, worried only about their pay, pension & benefits. Quickest way to lose those bennies?
Disobey your alphabet agency boss.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 months ago

I would rather refer to this event as a staged assassination attempt, not an assassination attempt. It’s hard for most to believe because they don’t think politics in on the level of “professional” wrestling.

3 months ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Half an inch from fatal, bystanders killed. Not exactly William Tell shooting an apple off of his head. But you have better insight of the facts, right? Twit.

Elder Son
Elder Son
3 months ago
Reply to  Quatermain

Well, I’ve been say for a long time that “The Them” are making a Martyr and a Messiah figure out of Trump.

Can’t deny it.

Well, now you have a Martyr and Messiah figure X’s 1000.

And if anyone is paying attention to the MAGA crowd… you can’t deny it.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 months ago

I’m keeping track of all of the supposed media truth warriors that are calling this an assassination attempt, rather than a staged assassination attempt.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
3 months ago
Reply to  DRenegade

I have nothing but respect for your belief. I will focus on the many things we do agree on as we move forward in this fight for freedom and against tyranny.

Elder Son
Elder Son
3 months ago

I’ll ask…

Where did he get the rifle?

Obviously, he didn’t walk in with it?

Obviously he wasn’t toting it around the compound.

There are only two answers.

It was pre-positioned between the 2 buildings of the one he climbed up to.

It was pre-positioned in a vehicle in the parking lot adjacent to the building he climbed up to.

Someone pre-positioned that long gun for the shooter.

This is no random shooter.

This is a conspiracy.

There is no other way about it. That rifle was cached for the shooter. That means… he is NOT a lone gunman. That means there were no less than two, or more, conspirators.

Bonus: How and why did they have his DNA in a data bank?

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Alex Lund
Alex Lund
3 months ago

I thought that the days of Kadavergehorsam (obeying everything like a dead person) aka slavish obedience are over.
I remember that when I was in the german airforce about 30 years ago and I was on guard duty I had the right and the duty to fire my gun if a bad situation unfolded. And if my superior would give me an illegal or self threatening order I had the right to refuse such an order.
This principle is called Bürger in Uniform aka citizen in uniform and is a lesson learned from our experiences (Germans) with the 3rd Reich.We were asked with thinking about our orders not just follow them blindly.
Yes, today it is different. Now, it is slavish obedience again.