Petrie Dish of Liberty

christian mercenary

by T.L. Davis

This nation is at a balancing point where finally the actions of the government have become so egregious that the moral scale tips. It is a psychological point where a greater degree of Americans are predisposed to believe that the government of the United States is immoral and that opposition to it is moral.

This is a dangerous demarcation line that truly no government can afford to pass. When a government passes that line, bad things happen. Most of the way through the Soviet history the population clung to the myth that Stalin was the savior of the nation, so much so that there were those who lived through it that believed it was all done behind Stalin’s back.

In this country there is the myth that “our government wouldn’t really do that” but there is a point where even the staunchest believers have to give up that illusion. For many that point came as a result of 9-11, when the war on terror began. This is all a little bit simplistic, but for purposes of clarity it needs to be explained this way.


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