Pharmacy Benefit Managers

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2 months ago

DJT is mistaken if he thinks it is just the PBMs. It’s not, the entire system of managed care is the problem. Managed care stands between the prescribers and patient dictating the criteria for payment and receipt of care.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
2 months ago

President Trump knows thanks to input from Kennedy.
Also United Healthcare owns everything and the money goes in a circle back to their coffers.

2 months ago

The whole incestuous system is corrupt. Ending PBM’s won’t solve much. The criminals running the show will simply find another way to funnel people’s money back to their own pockets. Till a LOT MORE CEO’s and executives join Brian Thompson nothing significant will change.

Joanna Martin
Joanna Martin
2 months ago
Reply to  thexrayboy

The CEO’s are not the problem -- nor is murdering them the answer.
The problem is that American’s want to live at other people’s expense -- they LOVE stuffing themselves with junk food and then having “the government” pay their medical bills to fix the diseases they gave themselves.
What Tucker’s guest shows is that there is no such thing as a free lunch.
The only people who can fix this are individuals who opt out of the corrupt system. Just as the public schools can only be fixed when parents get their children out of them.

Joanna Martin
Joanna Martin
2 months ago

Medicare & insurance drive up costs and permit the grifting the guest described.
Happily, physicians & surgical clinics which don’t take Medicare & don’t take insurance are arising. Patients pay in advance. I know someone who needs surgery. A hospital in Nashville, TN (which is on the big gov’t & big insurance system) said the surgery would cost $103,000. with the surgeon’s & anestheoligist’s fees being additional. For a person on Medicare, Medicare would pay 80% of the hospital’s fee -- with the patient being responsible for the 20%, unless the patient has signed up with an insurance company to which he pays several hundred dollars a month.
But the surgical clinic which doesn’t take insurance or Medicare charges only $10,500 for the whole thing and that includes the surgeon’s and anestheologist’s fees.
I suggest people get healthy -- STOP EATING BIG FOOD’S UNHEALTHY GARBAGE -- and get into the free market medical system.
What Tucker & his guest described is a self-imposed victimization.