Piers Morgan Confronts Former Marine: Where Do More Guns Lead Us Other Than ‘Utter, Wild West Hell?’

From YouTube:

Joshua Boston, the former Marine who sent an open letter to Senator Dianne Feinstein slamming her gun control proposal, appeared on CNN Tuesday to face a rather muted Piers Morgan. Boston believes that more guns, not more gun legislation, are the answer and Morgan pressed him on his logic, asking, “Where does that lead America, other than utter, Wild West hell?”
According to Boston, it won’t lead there because Americans are “smarter” than that and would know when to “hold their fire.” Boston said he wrote the letter because he was worried that under Feinstein’s proposal, his family would be “disarmed” after his death and wouldn’t be able to inherit his weapons. Throughout the interview, he explained that he believed that teachers should be armed, as well as average citizens, in order to protect themselves. Boston doesn’t think handguns or pistols are enough, however, and maintained that AR-15 rifles should not be banned.

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