Piers Morgan vs. Jesse Ventura

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Cheryl B
Cheryl B
12 years ago

Piers Morgan evidently doesn’t know:
*He’s in the USA
*Working in a US job
*US is independent of UK laws (by choice)
*The Declaration of Independence, adopted by Continental Congress on July 4 1776, announced, American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, independent states
*No longer a part of the British Empire
*Formed a new nation--the United States of America

Piers Morgan loves his countries laws, free up US job, to one that respects our country and laws—-Deport him back to broke England, TODAY!

Leslie Davis
12 years ago

Jesse Ventura is a liar, cheat, and briber. He defrauded the people of Minnesota to become Governor by lying about being a Navy SEAL He was not a SEAL, never in Vietnam, never in combat. He does not have the Combat Action Ribbon. He was a storekeeper on a ship that passed the Vietnam coastline so he was entitled to the Vietnam Service Medal. No big deal there.
Ventura bribed a guy during the primary election in the summer of 1998 and when complaints were filed against him he bribed officials to fix the investigation. This is all documented in my expose’ book, ALWAYS CHEAT The Philosophy of Jesse Ventura. The release of my book in the spring of 2002 cancelled Ventura’s plans to run for a second term as Minnesota Governor. Contact me for a complimentary book or get one from Amazon.com
Leslie Davis
P.S. Why does Alex Jones keep lying about Ventura being a SEAL?

Cheryl B
Cheryl B
12 years ago
Reply to  Leslie Davis

Leslie Davis

I appreciate you addressing Jesse Ventura being a liar and cheat but the issue is
“Piers Morgan promoting gun control and doing so via UK law.”

*He’s in the USA
*Working in a US job
*US is independent of UK laws (by choice)
*The Declaration of Independence, adopted by Continental Congress on July 4 1776, announced, American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, independent states
*No longer a part of the British Empire
*Formed a new nation--the United States of America

Piers Morgan needs to: Be fired and his job should be given to one that respects our country and laws. Go back to broke England, UK laws and land that he loves.

P.S Not sure why you ask question about Alex Jones and Ventura’s medal (it’s a meDal not meTal). But here’s what I know about military medals; Military doesn’t require one to be in, front line, battle to receive a medal. My hubby served 33 years and retired 2 years ago and has many medals and wasn’t in, front line battle. Military missions includes a team, not just front line, to carry out the mission. (Hope this clarifies military medals).

Leslie Davis
12 years ago
Reply to  Cheryl B

I asked why Alex Jones keeps calling Ventura a Navy SEAL when he was NOT and Navy SEAL. Jones uses that to get publicity for his show. I know what the link was so chill out. Also, medals for just being in the service are a lot different than those for being in the shit.