Pills with digital sensors are now the latest controversial technology that has seen itself gain approval from the FDA. The alarming new devices would employ a set of sensors within the chips to track data regarding each patients.
It has been revealed that the FDA has authorized an Orwellian medical device that utilizes sensors implanted into tablets to digitally monitor medicine intake in patients’ bodies.
The US Food and Treatment Administration bragged in a recently released press statement from December 2017 regarding certifying an unique medication with a “digital ingestion tracking system” that employs “sensors” within pills to interact with a mobile device to document if and when the patient ingested the medicines.
“The system works by sending a message from the pill’s sensor to a wearable patch,” according to a press release.
Congress is taking the nano sensor poison. OMG!
You are correct and they have entities inhabiting there wicked bodies.
Simply do not take pharmaceutical drugs. If you’re on them now, ween yourself off. There are alternatives. Diet, minerals, vitamins, exercise. Takes research and discipline. Unfortunately, most will continue with the convenience of popping a pill. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. No one said this would be easy.
This is not a simple issue of invasive surveillance. This is the public announcement of the medical process which will lead to total commodification of your and my bodies. The control is not simply for observing your compliance but will become the means by which you are maintained as meat on the hoof. Think China + Yugurs+ lucrative organ transplant business. What could be better than not keeping cattle in stock yards? Why not keep them in the open range and instantly available for harvest? I have been following the commodification of bodies (human) for a long time as it is the grid on which successful human trafficking runs. Humans are not only trafficked illicitly for sex and/or labor, but are also trafficked for scientific experiments, parts such as bones, hair, eyes, skin. This is an emerging market. Everyone reading this should be repulsed to the point of refusing drugs which are known to employ the surveillance devices and speaking up firmly to their doctors and legislators. The FDA is not God, but they are the gods who bring immeasurable suffering every chance they get.
This is the beast system that is coming live now, be careful what you ingest because it could be sensors in any medications, look to Christ the Messiah and he will guide you into all truth. The demons have taken over our government and the businesses, beware and test all the spirits to see if they are of Fod or the devik
How has America survived this long with the amount of morons in our country? Shear luck I guess.