Planned Parenthood Affiliate Produces Video Promoting Bondage and Sadomasochism to Teens

Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (PPNNE)–which received more than $2.75 million in government funding in 2012–has produced and posted online a video specifically aimed at teenagers that promotes bondage and sadomasochism (BDSM) and proposes “rules” to follow when engaging in these activities.

“People sometimes think that those who practice BDSM are emotionally scarred or were once abused—not true, it’s a total myth,” the host of the video, Laci Green, informs its intended audience of teens.

“BDSM relies upon and creates trust,” she says.




I admit that I could not endure watching the entire video above. Laci’s parents must be so proud of her. In a parallel universe.

Anyone care to argue that we are a moral people?

David DeGerolamo


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