Planned Parenthood Won’t Like This New Law In North Carolina

Image credit: David McNew/Getty Images

Gov. Pat McCrory of North Carolina vetoed his legislature’s attempt last summer to protect magistrates who declined to perform homosexual “marriages” after a federal court overturned a voter-approved measure affirming that marriage is the union between one man and one woman.

Some, if not most, Christians were shocked that a Republican governor would reject religious protection that’s becoming increasingly necessary. Fortunately, the Republican-controlled legislature had the votes to overturn his veto.

Gov. McCrory didn’t stand by Christians on the marriage issue, but it looks like he’s standing by pro-lifers and the unborn. Last week, he signed a bill into law that bans the sale of aborted-baby body parts. The law also bars state agencies from entering into contracts for pregnancy prevention services with groups that kill babies. From Live Action News:



The real question is why would a moral people need to even contemplate such a law. As conservative talking heads predicted, Congress did nothing and the shock of butchering babies for money continues. Does anyone see a future for such a country?

David DeGerolamo

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9 years ago

My first reaction, as you said, is WHY are we even contemplating the need for such a law. Isn’t it morally repulsive enough to even think about selling HUMAN body parts, let alone HUMAN BABIES’ parts?
It makes me want to puke whenever I hear about this crap. Where has the value of life gone? Are we no better than the vultures on a roadkill?
Have we become what we once condemned Dr. Mengele for while experimenting on concentration camp prisoners in Nazi Europe? It seems Caligula has re-incarnated and is dwelling in OUR capitol.
“Such as were in the days of Noah”, indeed…

9 years ago

you are very observant in the maniacs who once ruled, but its not the people from the past that are serving now, its Satan and his band of fallen Angelic beings as well as his demons. our nation has become the habitation of every unclean demon and spirit from around the world. This is where they reside now and it’s there home base. As for McCrory I never liked him from the beginning because he is a phony republican and plays both sides of the fence when he does not have to, the Republicans control large majorities of the both houses so he screwing the conservatives in state who put him into power to clean up the mess the demon-rat left behind, but he wants to play in the sand box to a loser band of demon-rats that have no power. but he is giving them power through his actions of being a weak governor to screw us over. McCrory has to go and be primaried out for a stronger Governor who holds to his conservative and Christian convictions. we need to lock up every demon-rat in this state. We need a Rodeo round up time.

9 years ago

I’ve said, many times, and on another site, (, that this is an “ancient battle” that is about to be fought.

The forces of good against evil, of Satan against HaShem. Satan’s days are numbered and are waning quickly hence the “all-of-a-sudden” need for all these mozlem reptiles to invade the rest of the world.

This is no accident or war refugee problem, it’s a plain and simple invasion by the forces of evil to do the most damage, to destroy what G-d has created and corrupt what’s left of mankind before Christ returns and, together with the faithful, we kick their filthy, scaly asses to hell.

Revelations, as well as the rest of Scripture, couldn’t have given us a more detailed timetable or map to guide us as to what’s going to happen. All one has to do is LOOK and READ!