This is an old program but still valuable:
I select a target by typing in the name of the city. In this case, I chose Atlanta, GA.

Next, check the options for the detonation. I chose the largest nuclear bomb available and other options as shown below.

Select Detonate and receive the following:

You can use this program for planning purposes but ask yourself why now? Why is everyone concerned about a nuclear WWIII? What do we know? The globalists who are manipulating our global economy and political structure have a code that they must tell us ahead of time what they are planning. We know that their endgame is 500 million people worldwide.
The SARS-COV2 bioweapon did not kill anywhere near this number. The vaccines are killing and sterilizing a larger number. All they do is misdirect and mislead the world. Whether it is political, war or economic news, we are bounced from one disaster to another. Until the final strike.
A nuclear war will allow then to achieve all of their goals. We are nothing more than fodder being led to the abattoir.
David DeGerolamo
Maybe regional nukes in populated cities, but weather warfare can save much valuable resources for the elite. Flood one area, drought out another. No crops, no people. Just starve people and the land like all the acres Bill Gates has purchased won’t have radiation
I am no one’s expert on nuclear war, but I know a little something about it (which, of course, makes me dangerous).
Rather than choosing the largest nuclear bomb possible, it would probably be more helpful to choose the likeliest nuclear device to be used and run that simulation first.
I have read that the warheads used on most Russian boomers are 800 kilotons, for example. I would expect that the Atlanta area would be hit with multiple strikes of these smaller weapons because, frankly, there would be more destruction from multiple smaller devices than with one very large device. More bang for the buck (no pun intended). Of course, this use of nukes makes figuring out the likely blast and fallout effects more complicated.
Note that strikes on cities will likely be airbursts because airbursts flatten more buildings and produce greater casualties. For example, Hiroshima and Nagasaki involved airbursts. Fortunately (for the people not close to Ground Zero, at least), depending on the height of the detonation, airbursts produce little, and sometimes negligible, fallout because they do not suck very much radioactive contaminated material up from the ground and into the atmosphere.
A little more research will be necessary to figure out what size devices ground based missiles use, and what size devices Russian bombers will likely carry.
The bottom line? I have to think that a Russian bomber or an ICBM with multiple smaller devices would destroy much more of an urban area than a bomber carrying a Tsar Bomba device.
I used the example in the article because I wanted to see the worst case for nuclear fallout. I encourage everyone to look at their areas of interest with multiple scenarios.
Sure, I get it. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. That’s good policy.
In reality, carpet bombing major urban areas will produce more damage than a single mega-bomb. Yet, it would be an exception to the rule if the Russians hit urban areas with surface bursts. Surface bursts are used on missile silos and underground command posts. Using surface bursts, the big fallout producer, on an urban area would simply muffle the blasts’ effect on the target.
The Tsar Bomba was a one off test product in the early 60s. Choose smaller warheads for a more realistic scenario
I plan for the worst case scenario. In this case, I am looking at fallout patterns. Two 500s may produce the same amount of radiation fallout or winds may shift from normal. Again, as I said, people can put in different scenarios.
Wondering if you know about bombs being built in Oak Ridge TN and transported through Waynesville Ga to Savannah Ga for use.
Why not target something mobile for a surprise community effect?
Surely there are other bomb building chains here… I bet the Russians know where.
I’m about 30 minutes from Oak Ridge. I’ve seen a nuclear plant but didn’t know anything about bombs.
This brings to mind the Duduman Prophecies . Search the map of the ten simultaneous nukes Duduman saw going off on America . Everyone in a large strategic high population area . I have a copy of that map I keep on my hard drive . Although I invested twenty some years ago in a fallout shelter I can’t get many others in it . When I come out most of my family will be dying of radiation poisoning . Knowing that I will probably stay out and let a younger family member be saved . But I assure you I will have vengeance before I go .
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The outcome of a nuclear exchange will depend mostly on the number of warheads delivered. NOBODY knows for certain what number will make life untenable vs survivable as a society. But if enough warheads are detonated then enough people will die, enough fallout will be produced and enough of societal structure will end that society will end. I suspect that it won’t take all that many warheads to end civilization as we know it.
On an individual basis if you aren’t located in a target zone your odds of surviving the actual war are good. The odds of surviving the fallout, starvation and mass civil unrest that will follow are simply impossible to know. As always those who are better prepared stand a better chance. But there are no guarantees. If the weather patterns are unfavorable we could lose more people to fallout than to actual blast and heat from warheads.
As the movie from the 80’s taught us…..”Strange game. The only winning move is not to play”.
Another 1980s movie “The Day After” shows fairly well what the days after a nuclear attack may look like… and also the survivability for those who prepare ahead of time.
Not being at the epicenter and earth bermed basements and root cellars stocked with food, water, and a waste bucket… enough to to hang out for a few (2) weeks…and the animals and seeds to grow food afterwards. SP1 mentions the importance of making room for critters about a week ago as well as how to berm a basement. This movie accurately portrays the mental state of the young woman who went a little crazy and went out prematurely to roll in the dust because she was experiencing a breakdown of reality, and the physical effects that it had on her (she essentially killed herself and the man who went after her)…a likely scenario for those who haven’t mentally prepared. The biggest thing that physical preparation does is put a list of last minute to-do’s in the conscious mind so that they can be acted upon when in a heightened state of anxiety… and the means to get everything together quickly when the time comes.
If Whoever uses a nuke on America, they only need one… The country will become a self made war zone in hours.. Riots, purging ect. give them a month of self destruction and the enemy can then just walk in and take it.
“First, you survive the Russians. Then you survive the Americans.”