The school was meant for the children of diplomats.(Photo | Screengrab, Twitter)
Poland seizes Russian embassy school building in Warsaw
WARSAW: Poland on Saturday said it had seized a high school building near Moscow’s embassy in Warsaw meant for the children of diplomats, a move the Russian envoy called “illegal”.
The spat over the 1970s multi-storey building, nicknamed the “spy nest” by Warsaw citizens, has been going on for a year.
“This building belongs to the Warsaw City Hall,” Polish foreign ministry spokesman Lukasz Jasina told AFP, adding that the move followed a bailiff’s order.
The spokesman for the municipality was unavailable for comment.
Poland says there is a huge disparity in the number of diplomatic buildings each had in the other country.
“This is an illegal act. An intrusion on a diplomatic facility,” Moscow’s envoy, Sergei Andreyev, told the RIA Novosti news agency.
Andreyev said this was a “violation of Vienna’s convention of diplomatic relations.”
“Of course, there will be a reaction,” Andreyev said, adding that he did not want to give further details and that a decision will be made in Moscow.
The Return of Donald Trump – Good for Poland Too
You may ask, Dear Reader, what does all this have to do with Poland? If Trump really believes what he outlined in this segment of his short address and wants to align the debate in the terms set above, he would be doing my native Poland a big favor. Not to dwell too much on the history of Polish-American relations after 1989, I would humbly submit the reader reach for John Pomfret’s excellent book From Warsaw with Love. Polish Spies, the CIA, and the Forging of an Unlikely Alliance. It’s enough to say that in his review of the book, The Washington Post’s Joseph Kanon summarized the history of the literal CIA takeover and subordination of the Polish intelligence agencies as follows: “Pomfret’s apt title is only half a joke. The Poles were prepared to do almost anything to cement the relationship.”
and from the Pile on the Hill
Ukraine signals counteroffensive is near: What to know about the coming fight
Ukraine’s long-awaited counteroffensive is just around the corner, with top commanders and defense officials announcing Kyiv has nearly everything it needs to mount a successful attack on occupying Russian forces.
“Preparations are being finalized,” Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said at a news conference Friday, adding they were “mostly ready” for the offensive.
That followed remarks from NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg saying Ukraine is now in a “strong” position to retake occupied territory in the east after the bloc delivered 98 percent of promised combat vehicles to Ukraine, including some 1,550 armored vehicles and 230 tanks.
While the launch date of the offensive appears to be coming into focus, it’s unclear whether it will be as successful as previous Ukrainian operations.
What to make of this information? The announcement of an early May Ukrainian offensive attack to retake Crimea is strange. Why announce an attack? Especially when no one (including the CIA) believes Ukraine will be successful. So if the May offensive fails or does not happen, the war in Ukraine will either be over (possibly negotiated by China) or expanded by having Poland (NATO) enter the war.
Does it sound like a CIA plan to have Poland confiscate Russian diplomatic grounds at this point in time? Or do you think the leaked CIA conversation discussing Zelensky moving to his villa in Miami and opening a disco is more plausible?
There is too much money being transferred to the powers that be for this war to end. I believe we will see an expansion next week as the fabled Ukrainian offensive attack falls apart or does not happen. Or the attack may be a surprise NATO operation in Crimea as Russia has prepared for as the most likely course of action.
David DeGerolamo
Attempting to find wisdom in the actions of madmen is a fools game.
As Sun Tszu says “An evil leader will burn down his country to rule over the ashes. ”
As long as our Feckless Leadership continues to get their GRIFT from the Ukrainian proxy war its going to continue. Even if America as we know it is destroyed in the process.
Protect your family, faith and trusted you trusted friends.
i AGREE WITH YOU. however my trusted friends are for the most part completely clueless and just long for normalcy. SO SAD!
Find better friends then.
Elections, especially stolen elections have consequences….
Dark days ahead for the future of our Republic.
Buddies, hone your bayonets ! Oil the machinery !
Prepare as if the lives of your loved ones depends on it !
Sevastopol, Crimea looks like E. Palestine, Ohio right now, reportedly Uke drone strike. It’s only getting worse from here on out.
This wasn’t too bad. Only 4 of the many tanks burned. But you’re right, it’ll get worse from here.
The West seems to be determined to provoke -- to keep poking the bear -- we will experience their wrath -- which apparently the West is totally motivated to do. So get ready for a few nukes in the USA. I am to the point of just accepting it will happen -- the leaders of the West are completely insane and no new election will change that! Be prepared for very difficult times! I am surprised that some of the former nations tied to the USSR are not more conservative and want peace and safety -- the WEF people are everywhere! JUDGMENT IS COMING FOR THE WORLD!
The US military is so weak and unprepared it defies all imagination. all they concern themselves with is Wokeness, transgenders, transgender govt. paid operations, sodomites, lesbians and every ungodly filth serving thru out the armed forces at all high levels as well as training the men to wear high heel shoes. My other point is, where did the trillions of dollars go to ensure we had top-notch military services and fully functional equipment. The commie sons of a bitch generals on the joint chief all have taken bribes from the chi- coms and Russians, and each and every one is compromised because they are all Obama appointees, all treasonous and deserving of standing before a firing squad. The P.O.S have destroyed everything, and all the democrats want is to use this broken-down useless military for is going after American citizens to kill us. The DOD uses military hit teams which they sub out to the FBI, CIA, DHS, ETC. to murder innocent patriotic Americans who want to honor the Constitution and the rule of law. How much longer will patriotic Americans tolerate this communist Marxist garbage?
Always Announce Your Attacks in Advance ….If you Want to lose, or have already Lost, or reside in the Pantygone, District of Criminals, USSA
Russia will clean their (UAF) clock .
Martial America
Another provocation by the Globalist Empire. Same thing in Sudan.
Video: U.S. General Warns Russia Actually Winning Conflict in Ukraine
DR did you see this? Dated Friday. Why does so many “interesting” (as in Chinese Curse) events get reported ON Friday?
U.S. Wires Ukraine With Radiation Sensors to Detect Nuclear Blasts -- The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Anybody want to bet a nuclear “incident” is nearby? Like the Feddie school active shooter exercises just a week or so before a REAL ONE occurs?
BTW “ID’ing” a nuclear weapon by it’s signature is BS. First when did the US Gov tell the truth recently?
Secondary how many missing ex-soviet nukes the CIA has bragged about acquiring in the past? Seems during the fall of the USSR anything could be bought.
As Sun Tzu would say “An evil leader will burn down his own nation to rule over the ashes”.
Protect your families.
Russia needs to shit or get off the pot….. Terminate Kyiv once and for all….
LOL, and who says Russia sees Kiev as the REAL PROBLEM?
That bright light might be closer than you think.