War is coming. We feel it and the knowledge that the people in this country have no say in how our government acts will have consequences in the future. As of today, there is nothing that we can do to alter the course of these events. Our religious leaders are silent with the exception of Franklin Graham. Will Poland lead the European nations in the war against Islam? Who will lead the war against Islam here? Who will organize Christians against evil?
David DeGerolamo
h/t Tom R
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
Should we not at least leave their countries and return their people to those same countries in an effort to avoid more bloodshed? Do we not have enough problems within our own borders that we find it necessary to travel half way around the word to look for more?
Christianity here has become an open tumor of filth and depravity, the church seeks out what the world is offering and you cannot tell the difference anymore. Also the churches run after the sodomites and there way of life and they give them there full support in there fight to wed one another. the churches are of the synagogues of satan. the churches are dead and they are about to buried by the islamics terrorists they have supported thru nefarious means with our government and our leaders to enter into the country.