I don’t care for Alex Jones presentation but this short clip is very telling. Get to know your local police and sheriff deputies now. It allows you to determine who will be on the side of the rule of law in the future. It may also save your life.
David DeGerolamo
h/t Sam Culper
Excellent commentary on this topic has been posted by our good friend Francis Porretto:
if the police are preparing for war then it will be them that are breaking the law. its these brain damaged fools that are taking unlawful edicts from there wicked and evil superiors and are using those illegal orders to maim and kill american citizens. the police if they do this will be held fully accountable and hanged for there treasonous activity when the time comes. these cops who do this are working for the New world order satanic hosts and they will pay a dear price for there lawlessness..
They’re going to need more police…..
The Sheriff wants to know why his office wasn’t allowed to clarify the statement. How many citizens are allowed to backtrack on open threats to police or anyone else?