Police: Vandalism suspected in North Carolina power outage

MOORE COUNTY, N.C. — Authorities in North Carolina believe vandalism may have caused a power outage that affected thousands of customers Saturday night.

A mass power outage in several communities beginning just after 7 p.m. Saturday “is being investigated as a criminal occurrence,” the Moore County Sheriff’s Office said in a Facebook post.

“As utility companies began responding to the different substations, evidence was discovered that indicated that intentional vandalism had occurred at multiple sites,” the sheriff’s office said.

Moore County deputies and other law enforcement responded and were providing security at the affected sites, the sheriff’s office said.

Utility company Duke Energy said nearly 38,000 customers were without power in Moore County, while the Randolph Electric Membership Corporation reported outages affected nearly 3,000 customers in the county’s southern area, WRAL-TV reported.



This was not an act of vandalism; this was a series of coordinated acts of terrorism. I am not going into any details but I will say that these attacks will continue. Our enemies know that energy distribution is an effective and easy target here.

David DeGerolamo

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Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

One of the people questioned by police is talking herself into a life sentence in fed prison. Be smart. Be silent. Lawyer up.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago

Article doesn’t mention any specifics…?
Is this like that incident in California where people shot out the oil fins of the transformers from 300 yds away?

2 years ago
Reply to  DRenegade

Anyone with some knowledge or trained can take out a sub- station with ease and bring down entire areas of a county or many counties. I retired from a New York Utility up North and I can safely state and with my knowledge of these systems it’s very easy. We just need to know which players are involved in these coordinated attacks on sub stations or pole transformers. it could very well be the same ole Communist Marxist cronies at the FBI, CIA, DOD, DHS , all working for the WEF, The Chi Coms, etc., and the demon-rat party. We need to watch this very closely because they will try to take the entire grid system down state by state to cause chaos and call for martial law.
Make sure you have some sort of backup system for your own safety especially your refrigeration.

2 years ago

In situations like this its pretty easy to get tunnel vision and hunker down and deal with the problem at hand. Security concerns go up quite a bit when we are having distractions forced upon us.

Alex Lund
Alex Lund
2 years ago

For the Great Reset the Global Elites need uninterrupted power.
So, how does this sabotage fit into their plans?

2 years ago
Reply to  Alex Lund

very easy, the masses have no power whatsoever, but they will always have their connections to the smart grid system they built for themselves that will give them unlimited electricity they need to live like the kings they think they are, while the rest suffer and die. This is all part of their mass extinction game; it’s called total chaos and the rising of the phoenix from the ashes. But this will backfire on them very fast when the idiot sheeple are starving and freezing to death, then and only then they will awaken out of the mass psychosis they have been put in by the democratic party, the media elites and the federal bureaucracy. this is when the SHTF events take place, and the fight begins. If this does not happen, then all will die at their hands.

Last edited 2 years ago by Philip
Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  Alex Lund

Power outage was in outlying areas. One goal for control is centralizing populations into cities. Suburbs and ex-urbs may become unsustainable on purpose. Admittedly, there are only ## spares available, manufacturing more may prove impossible due to supply chain issues (blame putler or chyna), and you have to leave your farm and move to a dormitory in the city because we can’t provide reliable power to your area. For your own safety. Get in the boxcar.

Citizen Joe
Citizen Joe
2 years ago

A group protesting trannies in schools has hinted that they know why it was done. Could also have been ELF. Earth Liberation Front. Eco-terrorists. Or false flag to indict uninvolved right wingers who talk themselves into trouble.

Mike in Canada
Mike in Canada
2 years ago

Apparently, this was a coordinated action to shut down the power to a drag queen event of some kind…. the degree to which this is being characterized in ways useful to The Narrative is rather telling.

2 years ago

Interesting info…read Padraig Martin’s synopsis.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

Yes, thank you realwesterner.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
2 years ago
Reply to  realwesterner

Yes, thank you.

2 years ago

Short YouTube video on this incident.


2 years ago
Reply to  Brewer55

they are testing the waters for a grid down scenario in every state, we need to be vigilant because this was not done by one person as an act of vandalism. Whatever reports we hear from the power company, the media and the police we need to be skeptical about them because if this was a coordinated attack, they will lie to the people, this is all these clowns know is to lie and cover up especially if the FBI is on the scene in that county..

Last edited 2 years ago by Philip
Thomas Angle
Thomas Angle
2 years ago

I am not sure that it would take much effort to hack into the utility companies and shut down a lot of things. You just need to know where the hubs are. They showed us that in Nashville.

2 years ago

my first comment was gonna be ‘Patriot Monkeywerx’? but apparently it was just the commies…
why do we let THEM take all the actions? hasn’t anyone on OUR side thought of this?
I think ‘Grid Down’ would be advantageous to US, DISadvantageous to TPTB (if it was on a big enough scale)
why do we just sit back & get surprised when they carry on their MODUS OPERANDI?

Last edited 2 years ago by Bannon