Political Delusions

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5 years ago

Oh? I don’t recall ever seeing that “right” in the US Constitution…only “Life , Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” in the preamble.
Where does it state that one has the “right” to KILL a baby???

5 years ago

executing lying, cheating, thieving, non-ancestral, interloping, globo-homo-zionist-usurer parasites is a f=cking constitutional obligation

Liberally Disgusted
Liberally Disgusted
5 years ago

I don’t see a single “Democrat” that isn’t totally delusional. Liars, morally bankrupt, corrupt, power hungry, and greedy -- those words come to mind for every one of the leftists I am aware of right now. Our Founders would not have been able to conceive of abortion on demand, let alone put such a thing into our Constitution!

Daniel Salmon
Daniel Salmon
5 years ago

If it’s not a life why do they have to kill it?

Radical Right Wing Extremist
Radical Right Wing Extremist
5 years ago

If it is not murder, then why, in every US state, if I kill a pregnant woman am I charged with 2 murders?