Poll: 41% of Voters Say Election Could Be ‘Stolen’ From Trump

(POLITICO) The American electorate has turned deeply skeptical about the integrity of the nation’s election apparatus, with 41 percent of voters saying November’s election could be “stolen” from Donald Trump due to widespread voter fraud.

The new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll — conducted among 1,999 registered voters Oct. 13 through Oct. 15 — shows that Trump’s repeated warnings about a “rigged” election are having effect: 73 percent of Republicans think the election could be swiped from him. Just 17 percent of Democrats agree with the prospect of massive fraud at the ballot box.

The public sentiment is beginning to reflect Trump’s campaign message. Over the last week, the GOP nominee has intensified his criticism of the U.S. electoral system, much to the chagrin of elected Republicans, who think it threatens the peaceful transfer of power. Trump calls the process rigged, and has said the media is colluding with Hillary Clinton to throw the presidential race in her favor.

“The results show that voters are increasingly losing confidence that votes around the country will be counted accurately on Election Day,” said Kyle Dropp, cofounder and chief research officer at Morning Consult. “The sentiment especially rings true among Trump’s supporters, with half expressing concern about a ‘rigged election.'”

But the balloting is already well underway in many of the nearly three dozen states that allow early voting. Forty-three percent of voters say they will vote early, either by absentee or in person.

With 22 – now only 11 days until Election Day, nearly every “credible” national survey still shows Clinton leading Trump by a margin ranging from five to 11 points. Overall, just 33 percent of the public believes the polls are biased in favor of Clinton. But a stunning 60 percent of Republicans say they are biased against Trump.

When can’t you call a thief a thief?
Can you do so with a gun to your head?




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