Pope Francis Tells Christians Not to Try to Convert Nonbelievers

christian holy bible

Pope Francis told Christian high school students this weekend they should respect people of other faiths and not attempt to convert them to Christianity, insisting “we are not living in the times of the crusades.”

Asked by one of the students Friday how a Christian should treat people of other faiths or no faith, the pope said that “we are all the same, all children of God” and that true disciples of Jesus do not proselytize.

The pope went on to say that a Christian should never try to convince others of the truth of Christianity, but should simply give a testimony of consistency and wait for others to ask about the faith.


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Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
5 years ago

Well The catholic church = a death cult. We’ve deprogrammed hundreds of them. It’s not easy. It’s a strong evil spirit!

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
5 years ago

The first hand accounts of sexual abuse .harrassment and all forms of mind control are simply mind blowing! That Institution should NOT be tax exempt and should be investigated like any other hostile supremacist group!

Ron Parks
Ron Parks
5 years ago

Well… let’s see… Jesus said to go throughout the world and “make disciples”. So I can do what Jesus says or do what the Pope says. As for me… I choose Jesus!

a follower
a follower
5 years ago

The Pope is saying, lead by example. Now i do not follow nor believe much of what that church puts forth, yet when you discern what the article is about???
What gets me is many of these people think that the Roman catholic religion is the “One True church.”
They are currently running their commercials, (Catholics come home.) Many of the hospitals now carry his name (Francis). Ascension this, ascension that,. (Creepy, somethings off)

5 years ago

Our mission should be to convert Catholics to Christian.

another Thomas
another Thomas
5 years ago

If you really want to get them spinning, ask what evidence they have that Peter even went to Rome. Legitimate evidence seems to be a rare thing these days, does it not? They did worse than impeach King James, they sent Guy Fawlkes to blow his ass up for putting the Word of God into the common man’s hand .

The bride of Christ is the body of Christ and it’s registry is the book of life written of in Revelation .
That is the one true church
5 foolish virgins did not have enough oil at the return of the true Christ, too busy with the traditions of men to read their bibles themselves.

Anti means, instead of, in greek, so instead of Christ is satans deception. 6th trump, 6th seal, 6th vial comes before the 7th trump, seal, vial and don’t get on the rapture bus the false /wrong jesus comes first.

The only thing universal (catholic) about that church is being misled by men’s doctrine instead of having the Word of God in their foreheads.