Populism for Plutocrats

Kay Hagan and Hillary Clinton (AP)

Shortly before Kay Hagan took the stage at the Charlotte Convention Center on Saturday, the loudspeakers blared Bruce Springsteen’s aptly titled Democratic Party theme song “We Take Care of Our Own.”

In recent weeks, Hagan’s campaign has stumbled amid revelations that companies owned by her husband, son, and future son-in-law, benefited from hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer funding as part of the 2009 stimulus package, which Hagan supported. She took care of her own.

The appearance of cronyism was so embarrassing for Hagan that she opted to skip her final debate with Republican Thom Tillis rather than confront the charges in public.

In an effort to punch back against this unfavorable narrative, Hagan called in the most populist, anti-cronyist figure she could find: Hillary Clinton.



And people wonder why I don’t vote.


David DeGerolamo

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