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tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

The Fourth Kingdom — MonkeyWerx They and there master satan have been working on this since the 1930s. Operation paperclip and Darpa. Emp is what they are planning, with the help of there comrades in DC.

Last edited 1 year ago by tom finley
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

This would take out the Electrical grid and cause the “Massive Digital outage” that many are warning about.
Yet we are not to fear what man can do or says that he can do.
Interesting that Yahuah seems to have the same thing in His forecast. Who should we give more credence towards?
we should look into why this is ‘imminent’ and coming our way, are we truly innocent in all of this? Have we ‘Truly’ repented?

tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago

No one is without sin, God almighty and his son Jesus Christ are merciful and have by grace given us a decision, you and you alone have to make that choice.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  tom finley

When we ‘Truly’ repent, do we then go on to change?
“Born again”, do we change our ways and follow Him? Should we not become more like Him the Son? Do we forgive, and show mercy as He does? Do we believe and proclaim that yes He Has come “in the flesh,” That He is within us?
Does our example reveal this?
Do our hearts soften or harden?
And yes we can receive His Grace, His mercy. we can not do this alone.

1 year ago

“This would take out the Electrical grid and cause the “Massive Digital outage” that many are warning about.”

“Interesting that Yahuah seems to have the same thing in His forecast. Who should we give more credence towards? we should look into why this is ‘imminent’ and coming our way, are we truly innocent in all of this?”

Americans have shown they are unfit for civilization from a modernity point of view; i.e., electricity, digital communications, banking (to include online banking), and to a large degree technology. As much as many of us would like to keep and use our cell phones and the like, who really controls this technology? Who has the skills and technical know-how to replenish, make anew, when it’s all destroyed? This is part of the problem, that these elements, components of the economy were not looked at, were not treated as communal property, not being incorporated into a social contract, because one isn’t in existence. To explain, the economy was to have been for social flourishing which was not permitted, but rather was heralded towards niche financial enterprises, groups and corporations and individuals such as the CEOs for instance. What should have been education modelled on the idea of the public square was non-existent for many of those who had innate ability and desire to learn computer code and other pertaining subjects for instance, but were economically disenfranchised to pursue those fields (even the very directionality of skill and ability was arranged to systemically enrich those of the top economic tier, inclusive of secret societies). This really routed much of the trained talent and expertise to the usual suspects, further stratifying and thereby entrenching the class-based system according to socioeconomics. This goes for the arts as well. People are complaining about satanic music and paintings and portrayals, but what was done to give people with all that latent talent a venue to explore and express it? Rather they sat in churches oftentimes, with preachers touting that “the arts are evil” and other such quips about anything that may function outside of their corporate-approved church system. It’s these types of things that were all internalized from a social and political viewpoint to a degree it was rendered as part of the price of doing business. Hence, the need for an economic and social contract to direct these functions such as with the afore mentioned considerations.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Americans are unfit? i think you can do better than that.

1 year ago

The reference for the use of the word was collectively, as was qualified throughout the comment.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Do you think America is the only Nation under judgement?
“Who has the skills and technical know-how to replenish, make anew, when it’s all destroyed?”
Hopefully no one for a very long time.

1 year ago

“Hopefully no one for a very long time.”

That goes to the point as to why the stratification of skills and knowledge rendered this a win/lose situation. Many people will be left bewildered and unable to reconcile having the technology that was the central feature of the launching of an invasion. Of course others will want it for the practicality and safety features (there are already two camps of thought as to for or against electricity after the war with some positing that earlier generations didn’t need it). It will likely only be limited to those, and particular areas who have electrical components (which will be exceedingly hard to acquire after the war), gadgets and some technical knowledge; perhaps the occasional light bulb, or a bit more extensive lighting and some expedient applications such as sockets to plug things in. Additionally, other countries will likely only sparingly want to give any of the needed components unless it facilitates their commerce in some way. They will have their own trade woes with America being destroyed.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Technology seems to be a man made freedom. a way for the elites to escape what Yahuah sentenced us to do in the beginning. Now many, all levels are looking at work with distaste and as enslavement.
Man alone, seems to further enslave himself and others with it.(technology) They call it freedom.
True freedom and True liberty comes from somewhere else.

Last edited 1 year ago by a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Then on the medical end. Seems to have become a way to “cheat death” (Peter Thiel etc.) Extend life etc. Improve God’s creation, fix all the faults, improve His creation and design.
Strange days.

1 year ago

One theory I have is that the electronics aboard the balloons may be designed to fry circuits on (American) ballistic missiles, as a segue to: A. An invasion of mainland US. B. Russia full blown offensive against NATO forces/Ukraine. C. Both A and B.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago

Honestly i have lived most of my life yearning for a simpler time. Yes it would be hard work, yet it is attractive when i look around this world and what it has become, i wish only that people would return to God before it is too late.
a quote from one of my favorite novels.
“we have forgotten the face of our Father”

1 year ago

I’m 70+. I lift weights and bicycle hard so I am in decent shape for my age (I think). I really like AC and hot water coming right out of the wall. I have a wife and close family that would need my support if SHTF, we as a group probably would not survive. Around here (Florida) we have had hispanics doing most of the heavy lifting for years. Most are not large men, 5’6″ -5’8” but they are tough as nails. One man from Guatemala had done some plumbing work for me in the past, was once a presidential guard in his country. He is smart and tough. Look at the video coming from the border and see all the single fighting age men crossing. If Shit-For-Brains Biden were to arm them and turn them against us they would be a very formidable foe.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  nones

one day at a time my friend.
Been to the woods this morning, a couple of hrs. to clear my old path and get one load of wood. Deciding if i should split it now. wears me out more than it used too, but i needed the woods time badly, if ya know what i mean. This full on onslaught of propaganda does also wear on me.
My daughter is married to a Guatemalan, been here over twenty years, and is a worker, they also live in Florida as you do. He remains seemingly clueless as to the trouble this nation is in. My daughter warns him etc. Yet it falls on deaf ears. Many of us are in this together regardless of our backgrounds and our ancestry.
Regardless of what we are seeing and being told, i know many have came into this country are seeking something better. i believe many will also be disappointed as we are at the direction we are heading.

1 year ago
Reply to  nones

And that’s what they are for! Mexico opened jails and detention centers.

1 year ago

The newer advanced super emp weapons that china and russia have worked on in the past can generate 200,000v per square meter of wire and the wires that are horizontal to the earths surface are more effected or capture the EME waves more efficiently. If you have a generator I strongly suggest you ground that generator with a couple or more 8 feet ground rods, and instead of going straight down drive the rods in at a 45deg angle. If the generator is running at the time and your house electrical is connected at the time of an EMP attack, there is still no guarantee, cause all the electrical wiring in you home acts as an antenna. If you want some paper work on EMP effects you can go here to my google drive folder and get what you want. If your good at math this can be benificial.

1 year ago

Dr. Peter Pry, EMP specialist, has been begging the US grid to harden itself against this for decades, died recently. If TX were to harden & protect its grid, it could start up the other grids after an EMP. Have they done it?… NO. And it’s CHEAP, relatively speaking.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Missy

Hardening the Grid will not stop this. Government know this.
Hardening our hearts also will not change this, nor protect us.
Only one way through this.

Last edited 1 year ago by a follower, working on it.