Mark Meadows: Poster boy for the next D.C. shutdown?

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) is pushing Speaker John Boehner toward hardline positions.

In the old days, Washington, D.C., insiders would have thought it political suicide for a second-term congressman to call for the ouster of his party’s Speaker of the House of Representatives.

But in these days of high-polling mavericks and political outsiders, that’s the recipe for re-election – especially if you hail from the conservative 11th Congressional District in the western North Carolina mountains.

Consider the case of Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., who in July filed a two-page motion in the House asking for Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, to be removed from leadership.

He was briefly stripped of a committee chairmanship, but gained much more: The attention of Tea Party conservatives who feel marginalized and manipulated., a leading conservative news site, recently published a long, admiring articlethat calls Meadows “John Boehner’s Worst Nightmare.” The Washington Post dubbed him“The Donald Trump of the House of Representatives.”

Meadows, a mild-mannered small businessman from Cashiers, told that all he’s doing is listening to his constituents and taking their agenda to Washington.

Which is what any congressman should do. But what happens when that agenda runs into the equally sincere and diametrically opposite agenda of citizens from other parts of the country?

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9 years ago

If it takes a “shut-down” to remove Boehner and his ilk, so be it!

I’m sick and tired of seeing those we’ve elected to represent us turning “coats” and joining the status quo of the DC “Judenrats”; traitors to us AND the Constitution.

The time to clean house is long overdue!.