Pray for Virginia and Our Country

Let us Pray,

Lord God, Almighty Father, Creator of Mankind and author of Peace.

As we are ever mindful of the cost paid for the liberty we possess, We ask you to bless the Patriots that defend the Constitution. Give them Courage, Hope and Strength.

May they ever experience your firm support, gentle love and compassionate healing.

Be their Power and Protector.

To you be all the Glory, Honor and Praise, now and forever.


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5 years ago

As I’ve said repeatedly: The Almighty has been with us all along, giving us a leader that would stand for us and for righteousness, and now it’s time for US to be on the Almighty’s side in this fight against evil.
Satan knows his time is short so the fight will be ever so tenuous and embittered.
Stay strong, yet pious, my friends. We’re ALL in this fight, together

John Kummer
John Kummer
5 years ago

Amen and Amen! (Verily, verily). Baruch HaShem! (Blessed be the Name of the Lord). Yeshua ADONAI (Jesus is Lord)!
Shabbat Shalom in Messiah Yeshua, JK

Rabbi Will
Rabbi Will
5 years ago

Prayer is the best advice I’ve heard on this issue .so let the will of YHVH be done in Virginia!

5 years ago

Amen. Pray without ceasing.

5 years ago

Yes, pray. We are to pray, often and earnestly and humbly. Prayer helps. So does DOING. Come to the Capitol in Richmond on Monday, January 20, and pray there, too.

5 years ago

I’m praying His will be done. I hear from Him all the time, it’s called the Bible.