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Thoughts on the above:
— Interesting & timely. But he takes a while to get to the point.
— If, A.”civil war” then B. how will the enemy be identified? Great question there!
— Unless one has been in an actual armed conflict you don’t know what it will be like and how bad it will suck. True!
— We need to step back because there is a lot of room to find solutions between ‘stolen election’ and ‘civil war. Also true.
— Calm down because, probably since inception, every election has seen some “fuckery.”
My take is that the above points are correct. Yet, there’s a fk-ton of facts that he has not mentioned. He seems to believe that we should all get along together because the alternative……!
Problem is, the current regime will not be content to steal/rape/destroy the Nation. They will not leave us alone. They will tax, threaten, mandate, incite, audit, threaten, insult and fcuk us to death.
And the child sex trafficking that we are expected to ignore? Where does that abomination fit in our paradigm of Tolerance for all Things Evil in America?
“Mommy, is it still time to turn the other cheek? Because, I’ve used up all the cheeks that God gave me……”
The gentleman above wants caution and rational, considered debate for all issues that concern the Nation. Yet, how do the people of Springfield, OH (for example) find the time to do so when their very lives & lifestyle are destroyed by FedGov/NGO decisions made in D.C. that deliberately destroy that community?
[Read anything written by Selko for an in-depth description of civil war].
He is right to shun violence. That is nearly inarguable on its face.
But, can the boxcars be far behind?
There is a difference between civil war and revolution. This man in the video, I have no doubt would do his utmost to stomp out sextrafficking he never advocated ignoring such evil. How does one make such leaps? Wes, what is your opinion? Is he a pacifist? I think not!
No, follower, I see no pacifism or cowardice in the man; he speaks with an abundance of caution, perhaps because--unlike (thankfully) I and so many others--he has seen battle.
Except for our veterans most of us have been spared the excitement of working a “two-way gun range.”
And, I did not see the issue of sex trafficking brought up on the video; that was part of my own rant.
Ok, every now and then I try to reach you.
Elections have consequences Comrade Obama told me so.When do you stand, where do you draw the line? While we were talking it went from it is just a gay marriage to government inducing your children to Gentelia mutilation and jailing you if you object. While we discuss “The Science” of disease do you allow the same government to inject you with a product that is untested and that the manufacturer has no responsibility for side effects including death? How long are you prepared to talk and just what are you willing to give up? Shun violence, sure, we can talk about it while waiting for the train.
I agree with you as a Non Vet, just a historian looking at the facts. 1. As Thomas Paine said in his speech “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” … “The War has Already Begun”.The Dead are already in the ground, VaXXXed by Decree from the Feral Grub&Mint.or Burned Alive in Waco years ago.
2.The man in the video is well intentioned, imo. He does lack the years of a lifetime lived since 1947 in my case. Our Lost Liberties are Evident to me, and historically it isn’t even imaginable how much has been lost. (Jury Nullification as espoused by James Madison for example)
3.”Si vis pacem para bellum” haunts me in Latin from the Roman Empire’s Demise. What’s “wrong” with “Preperations”??? Not just arms, but Food & Water, Agricultural Technology, so much Lost from the just the past 150 years.(Three 50 yr olds is not ancient history, just forgotten know-how.
4.These “Discussions” were in earnest for 15 years before Lexington & Concord. We have suffered under government abuses far longer. I was not a JFK admirer in the 1960’s, but it is Now Evident that The Deep State Coup that occured with his death ushered in the Current Tyranny.
5.The Line in the Sand is now clearly drawn.for All to See. imo, This is the Last Election if another President ousted in a Coup in 2020 is not rightfully resored to the WH. No guarantees of even Restoring a Republic with President Trump. Just righting a wrong, and perhaps a Reckoning for a handful of Traitors.
6.Sorry, There Is No Moral Equivilancy with ProgreSSive Bolshevik Deep State Mother WEFers.CW’s are messy, confusing affairs to be Avoided until they Can’t. Draw your own line or go along to get along.
All the best to You and Yours
What would it take for specially trained tactical teams to remove all high-ranking leaders and federal Leos by experienced teams who have all been vetted and sworn to secrecy to rid the nation of the vermin who have committed treason and sedition. Different teams all coordinated to do what must be done. this will strike fear into the heart of the Deep State Whores and bring them to their knees. This will also include all state and local leaders who have committed treason along with the deep state as well. Anyone who has half a brain knows who all these people are and by name. It’s just a matter of will and determination to get the job done due to these circumstances the nation is under. Just a thought, no militias, no civil war, no nothing, only selected teams of specially trained ex-military to get the job done.
TakeAHardLook is right.
Everyone should realize that when blood begins to run in the streets, the violence will turn tribal shortly thereafter. That may not be seen by some as a civil war, but frankly, we already are seeing events that indicate we are currently in a slow starting civil war…..
Yes, there will be pockets of Patriots of all races who form into cohesive groups because they are neighbors and friends, their kids play together, etc. But in urbanized areas, folks rarely know their next door neighbors and will band together because they have similar economic status which allows them to reside with others who possess those same economic abilities. So we are largely talking about racial makeup having already segregated into various apartment blocks/areas due to economic reasons. It is not 100% racial, but there are obviously apartments, subsidized housing, suburbs, and city enclaves which are composed of racially grouped and economically similar situated families.
Expect the fights to be between economic-related groups versus other economic groups. Welfare supported neighborhood vs. blue collar neighborhood.
IMHO, it could start when the EBT cards do not buy what the Takers think they should. Or it could start when passions get inflamed by some federal agency’s murderous false flag that triggers pent up emotions. Or it could start when the economy fails and suddenly many will be out of work with little way to feed themselves/families. Or it could start with two groups both claiming the keys to the White House.
Regardless of how it gets triggered, we are going to see blood run in the streets sooner than any of us think. If we consider it as Takers versus Makers, it is easy to see how that becomes tribal within a few days.
My ideas. Your mileage may differ.
Very well put. IMHO.
Good and thoughtful comments. If blood does flow in the streets there will come a time--after--when people come together to ask, correctly, “Why did we not see this coming? Could we not have defused our hostilities?
As all skirmishes/wars/conflagrations eventually burn out, why engage in the first instance?
There is also the sneaking suspicion that, were the American people to go at each other, the inciting event to do so could be the ultimate false flag, masterfully engineered by TPTB for their own ends. “Let’s you and him have a fight.”
Whenever someone--some agency--goads you into some action, ask first, “qui bono?”
Because, the answer to that question could save a lot of heartache--and hemoglobin.
Wes, You have posted video recently of leftist and some gathered a sense of how both sides are being nudged into the civil war mentality instead of looking at the cabal,we are being directed into turning against one another. Time and time again, we hear all wars are bankers wars, and we the people are nothing but cannon fodder, yet we continue to repeat and follow their nudging. I will say this if I ever catch someone in the act of pedo or sex trafficking it will not be a peaceful nor pacifist encounter. I believe you have misjudged many things I have said over the years.
For those of you who decry violence what have you done to oppose the never ending wars, the VIOLENCE foisted upon numerous foreign nations by our ruling, communist elites ? Continuous warring by the District of Criminals against various nations since 1948. All these actions of VIOLENCE against foreigners without a declaration of war.
The hypocrisy and crime emanating from the District of Communists has been and continues to this day, to be totally acceptable to the American sheeple. Before one decries VIOLENCE of any sort they should cease supporting the VIOLENCE perpetrated by the elected American elites and their Deep State accomplices.
Have no idea why my comment has a ticker on it